Professor Edmund T. Rolls' Publication List by Subject
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Papers on Emotion, Reward, Decision-Making, Taste, Olfaction, and Appetite

Zhang,B., You,J., Rolls, E. T., Wang,X., Kang,J., Li,Y., Zhang,R., Zhang,W., Wang,H., Xiang,S., Shen,C., Jiang,Y., Xie,C., Yu,J., Cheng,W., Feng,J. (2024) Identifying behaviour-related and physiological risk factors for suicide attempts in the UK Biobank. Nature Human Behaviour 8: 1784-1797.
Zhang,B., Rolls, E. T., Wang,X., Xie,C., Cheng,W. and Feng,J. (2024) Roles of the medial and lateral orbitofrontal cortex in depression and its treatment. Molecular Psychiatry 29: 914-928.  Supplementary Material
Rolls, E. T., Deco,G., Huang,C-C. and Feng,J. (2023) The connectivity of the human frontal pole cortex, and a theory of its involvement in exploit vs explore. Cerebral Cortex doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhad416   Supplementary Material
Zhang,R., Rolls, E. T., Cheng,W. and Feng,J. (2024) Different cortical connectivities in human females and males relate to differences in strength and body composition, reward and emotional systems, and memory. Brain Structure and Function 229: 47-61. doi: 10.1007/s00429-023-02720-0 Supplementary Material
Shen,C., Rolls, E. T., Xiang,S., Langley,C., Sahakian,B.J., Cheng,W. and Feng,J. (2023) Brain and molecular mechanisms underlying the nonlinear association between close friendships, mental health, and cognition in children. eLife 12: e84072.
Rolls, E. T. (2023) Emotion, motivation, decision-making, the orbitofrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and the amygdala. Brain Structure and Function 228: 1201-1257. doi: 10.1007/s00429-023-02644-9
Verhagen,J.V., Baker,J.L., Vasan,G., Pieribone,V.A. and Rolls, E. T. (2023) Odor encoding by signals in the olfactory bulb. Journal of Neurophysiology 129: 431-444. doi: 10.1152/jn.00449.2022. Supplementary Material
Rolls, E. T., Rauschecker,J.P., Deco,G., Huang,C-C. and Feng,J. (2022) Auditory cortical connectivity in humans. Cerebral Cortex doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhac496. Supplementary Material
Rolls, E. T., Deco,G., Huang,C-C. and Feng,J. (2023) Human amygdala compared to orbitofrontal cortex connectivity, and emotion. Progress in Neurobiology 220: 102385.  doi: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2022.102385. Supplementary Material
Rolls, E. T., Deco,G., Huang,C-C. and Feng,J. (2022) Prefrontal and somatosensory-motor cortex effective connectivity in humans. Cerebral Cortex doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhac391. Supplementary Material
Rolls, E. T. (2022) Flavor: brain processing. Chapter 8 pp 233-256 in Flavor: From Food to Behaviors, Wellbeing and Health. Second Edition. Eds. E.Guichard and C.Salles. Elsevier: Oxford.
Rolls, E. T. (2022) The hippocampus, ventromedial prefrontal cortex, and episodic and semantic memory. Progress in Neurobiology 217: 102334. doi: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2022.102334
Wan,Z, Rolls, E. T., Feng,J. and Cheng,W. (2022) Brain functional connectivities that mediate the association between childhood traumatic events, and adult mental health and cognition. EBioMedicine 79: 104002.  doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2022.104002.
Rolls, E. T., Deco,G., Huang,C-C. and Feng,J. (2023) The human orbitofrontal cortex, vmPFC, and anterior cingulate cortex effective connectome: emotion, memory, and action. Cerebral Cortex 33: 330-359. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhac070. Supplementary Material
Rolls, E. T., Wan,Z., Cheng,W., Feng,J. (2022) Risk-taking in humans and the medial orbitofrontal cortex reward system. Neuroimage 249: 118893. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.118893.
Rolls, E. T. (2021) The neuroscience of emotional disorders. Chapter 1 in Handbook of Clinical Neurology 183: 1-26 Disorders of Emotion in Neurologic Disease, Eds. K.M.Heilman and S.E.Nadeau. Elsevier: Oxford.
Rolls, E. T., Feng,R., Cheng,W. and Feng, J. (2021) Orbitofrontal cortex connectivity is associated with food reward and body weight in humans. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 18: nsab083. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsab083. Supplementary Material

Gong,W., Rolls, E. T., Du,J., Feng,J. and Cheng,W. (2021) Brain structure is linked to the association between family environment and behavioral problems in children in the ABCD study. Nature Communications 12: 3769.  doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-23994-0. Supplementary Material

Rolls, E. T. (2023) The orbitofrontal cortex, food reward, body weight, and obesity. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience 18: nsabs044. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsabs044.

Rolls, E. T., Vatansever, D., Li, Y., Cheng,W. and Feng,J. (2020) Rapid rule-based reward reversal and the lateral orbitofrontal cortex. Cerebral Cortex Communications 1: tgaa087.

Rolls,E.T., Cheng,W. and Feng,J. (2020) The orbitofrontal cortex: reward, emotion, and depression. Brain Communications 2: fcaa196.

Rolls, E. T. (2020) Flavor processing in the brain. In The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference, Vol 3: Olfaction and Taste: 298-317. Ed: W.Meyerhof. Elsevier: Amsterdam.

Hsu,C-C.H., Rolls, E. T., Huang,C-C., Chong,S.T., Zac Lo,C-Y., Feng,J. and Lin,C-P. (2020) Connections of the human orbitofrontal cortex and inferior frontal gyrus. Cerebral Cortex 30: 5830-5843. Supplementary Material

Wan, Z., Rolls, E. T., Cheng,W. and Feng,J. (2020) Sensation-seeking is related to functional connectivities of the medial orbitofrontal cortex with the anterior cingulate cortex. Neuroimage 215: 116845.

Rolls, E. T. (2020) Neural computations underlying phenomenal consciousness: a Higher Order Syntactic Thought theory. Frontiers in Psychology (Consciousness Research) 11: 655.

Sariah,H., Guo,S., Zuo,J., Pu,W., Liu,H., Rolls, E. T., Xue,Z. and Huang,X. (2020) Acute and chronic effects of betel quid chewing on brain functional connectivity. Frontiers in Psychiatry 11: 198.

Cheng,W., Rolls, E. T., Gong,W., Du,J., Zhang,J., Zhang,X., Li,F. and Feng,J. (2020) Sleep duration, brain structure, and psychiatric and cognitive problems in children. Molecular Psychiatry, Supplementary Material. Press Release

Rolls, E. T., Cheng,W., Du,J., Wei,D., Qiu,J., Dai,D., Zhou,Q., Xie, P. and Feng, J. (2020) Functional connectivity of the right inferior frontal gyrus and orbitofrontal cortex in depression. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 15: 75-86. Supplementary Material
614. Rolls, E. T. (2019) The cingulate cortex and limbic systems for action, emotion, and memory. Chapter 2 pp 23-37 in Handbook of Clinical Neurology: Vol 166. Cingulate Cortex. B. A. Vogt (ed.). Elsevier: New York.
611. Rolls, E. T. (2019) Taste and smell processing in the brain. Chapter 7 in Handbook of Clinical Neurology Vol 164: Smell and Taste, Ed. R. L.Doty. Elsevier: New York. ISBN 9780444638557.

Rolls, E. T. (2020) The texture and taste of food in the brain. Journal of Texture Studies 51: 23-44.

Rolls, E. T., Zhou, Y., Cheng,W., Gilson,M., Deco,G. and Feng,J. (2020) Effective connectivity in autism. Autism Research 13: 32-44.

Du,J., Rolls, E.T., Cheng,W., Li,Y., Gong,W. and Feng,J. (2020) Functional connectivity of the orbitofrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and inferior frontal gyrus in humans. Cortex 123: 185-199.

Rolls, E. T., Huang, C., Lin, C.-P.,Feng, J. and Joliot, M. (2020) Automated anatomical labelling atlas 3. Neuroimage 206: 116189. AAL3

Rolls, E. T. (2019) The cingulate cortex and limbic systems for emotion, action, and memory Brain Structure and Function 224: 3001-3018. Supplementary Material.

He,N., Rolls, E. T., Zhao,W. and Guo,S. (2020) Predicting human inhibitory control from brain structural MRI. Brain Imaging and Behavior 14: 2148-2158.

Rolls, E. T. (2018) What are emotional states, and what are their functions? (pp 19-27); Emotional vs rational systems, and decisions between them (pp 206-208) in The Nature of Emotion. Second Edition. Eds. A.S.Fox, R.C.Lapate, A.J.Shackman and R.J.Davidson. Oxford University Press: Oxford.

Rolls, E. T. (2019) Emotion and reasoning in human decision-makingEconomics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 13 (2019-39): 1–31.

Cheng,W., Rolls, E. T., Robbins,T.W., Gong,W., Liu,Z., Lv,W., Du,J., Wen,H., Ma,L., Burke Quinlan,E., Garavan,H., Artiges,E., Papadopoulos Orfanos,D., Smolka,M.N., Schumann,G., Kendrick,K. and Feng,J. (2019) Decreased brain connectivity in smoking contrasts with increased connectivity in drinking. eLife 8: e40765. doi: 10.7554/eLife.40765. Summary. Press Release. Podcast in part 2.

Rolls, E. T., Cheng, W., Gong, W., Qiu, J., Zhou, C., Zhang, J., Lv, W., Ruan, H., Wei, D., Cheng, K., Meng, J., Lin, C. P., Xie, P. and Feng, J. (2019) Functional connectivity of the anterior cingulate cortex in depression and in health. Cerebral Cortex 29: 3617-3630. Supplementary Material.

Rolls, E. T., Mills, T., Norton,A.B., Lazidis,A. and Norton,I.T. (2018) The neuronal encoding of oral fat by the coefficient of sliding friction in the cerebral cortex and amygdala. Cerebral Cortex 28: 4080-4089. Supplementary Material.

Cheng, W., Rolls, E. T., Qiu, J., Yang, D., Ruan, H., Wei, D., Zhao, L., Meng, J., Xie, P. and Feng, J. (2018) Functional connectivity of the precuneus in unmedicated patients with depression. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 3: 1040-1049.

Cheng, W., Rolls, E. T., Ruan, H. and Feng, J. (2018) Functional connectivities in the brain that mediate the association between depressive problems and sleep quality. JAMA Psychiatry 75: 1052-1061. Supplementary Material.

Cheng, W., Rolls, E. T., Qiu, J., Xie, X., Lyu, W., Li, Y., Huang, C. C., Yang, A. C., Tsai, S. J., Lyu, F., Zhuang, K., Lin, C. P., Xie, P. and Feng, J. (2018) Functional connectivity of the human amygdala in health and in depression. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience 13: 557-568.

Cheng, W., Rolls, E. T., Qiu, J., Xie, X., Wei, D., Huang, C-C., Yang, A. C., Tsai, S.-J., Li, Q., Meng, J., Lin, C.-P., Xie, P. and Feng, J. (2018) Increased functional connectivity of the posterior cingulate cortex with the lateral orbitofrontal cortex in depression. Translational Psychiatry 8: 90.

Liu,Z., Zhang,J., Xie,X., Rolls, E. T., Sun,J., Zhang,K., Jiao,Z., Chen,Q., Zhang,J., Qiu,J and Feng,J. (2018) Neural and genetic determinants of creativity. Neuroimage 174: 164-176.

Rolls, E. T. (2018) The neuroscience of purpose, meaning, and morals. Chapter 5 pp. 68-86 in Neuroexistentialism: Meaning, Morals, and Purpose in the Age of Neuroscience. Eds. G.D.Caruso and O.Flanagan. Oxford University Press: New York.

Sun,J., Liu,Z., Rolls, E. T., Chen,Q., Yao,Y., Yang,W., Wei,D., Zhang,Q., Zhang,J., Feng,J., Qiu,J. (2019) Verbal creativity correlates with the temporal variability of brain networks during the resting state. Cerebral Cortex 29: 1047-1058.

Rolls, E. T., Cheng,W., Gilson,M., Qiu,J., Hu,Z., Ruan,H., Li,Y., Huang,C-C., Yang,A.C., Tsai,S-J., ZhangX., Zhuang,K., Lin,C-P., Deco,G., Xie,P., Feng,J. (2018) Effective connectivity in depression. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 3: 187-197. Supplementary Material. Press release.

Rolls, E.T. (2017) Evolution of the emotional brain. Chapter 12 pp. 251-272 in Evolution of Brain, Cognition and Emotion in Vertebrates, Eds S. Watanabe, M.A. Hofman and T Shimizu. Springer: Japan. doi: 10.1007/978-4-431-56559-8_12.

Rolls, E. T. (2019) The orbitofrontal cortex and emotion in health and disease, including depression. Neuropsychologia 128: 14-43.

Rolls, E. T. (2017) Face processing in different brain areas and face recognition. In Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition, pp 1-11, Eds J.Vonk and T.K.Shackelford. Springer International Publishing AG. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-47829-6_1566-1.

Rolls, E. T. (2017) Flavor Physiology.  Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology

Deng,W., Rolls, E. T., Ji,X., Robbins, T. W., Banaschewski,T., Bokde,A., Bromberg,U., Buechel,C., Desrivičres,S., Conrod,P., Flor,H., Frouin,V., Gallinat,J., Garavan,H., Gowland,P., Heinz,A., Ittermann,B., Martinot,J-L., Lemaitre,H., Nees,F., Papadopoulos Orfanos,D., Poustka,L., Smolka,M.N., Walter,H., Whelan,R., Schumann,G. and Feng,J. (2017) Separate neural systems for behavioral change and for emotional responses to failure during behavioral inhibition. Human Brain Mapping 38: 3527-3537.

Rolls, E. T. (2017) Neurobiological foundations of aesthetics and art. New Ideas in Psychology 47: 121-135.

Rolls, E.T. (2017) The roles of the orbitofrontal cortex via the habenula in non-reward and depression, and in the responses of serotonin and dopamine neurons. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 75: 331-334.

Cheng,W., Rolls,E.T., Zhang,J., Sheng,W., Ma,L., Wan,L., Luo,Q. and Feng,J. (2017) Functional connectivity decreases in autism in emotion, self, and face circuits identified by Knowledge-based Enrichment Analysis. Neuroimage 148: 169-178.

Rolls, E. T. (2017) Limbic structures, emotion, and memory. Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology, Elsevier. doi 10.1016/B978-0-12-809324-5.06857-7.

Rolls, E. T. (2016) Brain processing of reward for touch, temperature, and oral texture. Chapter 13 pp. 209-225 in Affective Touch and the Neurophysiology of CT Afferents, Eds. Olausson,H., Wessberg,J., Morrison,I. and McGlone,F.  Springer: Berlin.

Cheng, W., Rolls,E.T., Qiu,J., Liu,W., Tang,Y., Huang,C-C., Wang, XF., Zhang,J., Lin,W., Zheng,L., Pu, JC., Tsai,S-J., Yang,AC., Lin,C-P., Wang,F., Xie,P. and Feng,J. (2016) Medial reward and lateral non-reward orbitofrontal cortex circuits change in opposite directions in depression. Brain 139: 3296-3309. Supplementary Material.

Rolls, E. T. and Deco, G. (2016) Non-reward neural mechanisms in the orbitofrontal cortex. Cortex 83: 27-38.

Rolls, E.T. (2016) Flavor: Brain Processing. Chapter 6 pages 143-160 in Flavor: From Food to Behaviors, Wellbeing and Health, Eds. P. Etiévant, E. Guichard, C. Salles and A. Voilley. Elsevier / Wooodhead: Amsterdam.

Rolls, E. T. (2016) A non-reward attractor theory of depression. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 68: 47-58.
Rolls, E. T. (2016) Reward systems in the brain and nutrition. Annual Review of Nutrition 36: 435-470.
Rolls, E. T. (2016) Motivation Explained: Ultimate and proximate accounts of hunger and appetite. Advances in Motivation Science 3:187-249. Ed. A. Elliot. Elsevier: Oxford.

Rolls, E. T. (2015) Neurobiological foundations of art and aesthetics. Ch 23 pages 453-478 in Art, Aesthetics and the Brain. Eds. J. P. Huston, M. Nadal, F. Mora, L. F. Agnati, and C. J. Cela Conde. Oxford University Press: Oxford.

Rolls, E. T. (2016) Functions of the anterior insula in taste, autonomic, and related functions. Brain and Cognition 110: 4-19.

Rolls, E.T., Joliot, M. and Tzourio-Mazoyer, N. (2015) Implementation of a new parcellation of the orbitofrontal cortex in the automated anatomical labeling atlas. Neuroimage 122: 1-5.

Rolls,E.T. (2015) Central neural integration of taste, smell, oral texture, and visual modalities. Ch. 46 pp 1027-1047 in Handbook of Olfaction and Gustation, 3rd Edition, Ed. R.L.Doty. Wiley: New York.

Rolls, E.T. (2015) Visual functions of the orbitofrontal cortex. In Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.04715-2.

Rolls, E. T. (2015) Neural basis of emotion. Pp. 477-482 in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 7, Ed J.D.Wright. Elsevier: Oxford. ISBN: 9780080970868.

Rolls, E. T. (2015) Psychology of taste and smell. Pp. 26-31 in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 24, Ed J.D.Wright. Elsevier: Oxford. ISBN: 9780080970868.

Rolls,E.T., Kellerhals,M.B. and Nichols,T.E. (2015) Age differences in the brain mechanisms of good taste. Neuroimage 113: 298-309.

Rolls, E. T. (2015) Taste, flavor, and appetite. Pp 573-580 in Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference, vol 2, Ed. A.Toga. Academic Press / Elsevier: Amsterdam.

Rolls, E. T. (2015) Taste, olfactory, and food reward value processing in the brain. Progress in Neurobiology 127-128: 64-90.

Cheng,W., Rolls,E.T., Gu, H., Zhang,J. and Feng,J. (2015) Autism: reduced connectivity between cortical areas involved in face expression, theory of mind, and the sense of self. Brain 138: 1382-1393. Supplementary Material.

Rolls, E.T. (2015) Emotion and Decision-Making Explained: Response to commentators. Cortex 62: 203-210. Virtual Special Issue of Cortex on Emotion and Decision-Making Explained.

Rolls, E.T. (2014) Emotion and Decision-Making Explained: Précis. Cortex 59: 185-193. Virtual Special Issue of Cortex on Emotion and Decision-Making Explained.

Rolls,E.T. (2014) Neuroculture: art, aesthetics, and the brain. Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali 25: 291-307.    doi: 10.1007/s12210-013-0276-7.

Rolls,E.T. (2015) Limbic systems for emotion and for memory, but no single limbic system. Cortex 62: 119-157.

Luo,Q., Ge,T., Grabenhorst,F., Feng,J. and Rolls,E.T. (2013). Attention-dependent modulation of cortical taste circuits revealed by Granger causality with signal-dependent noise. PLoS Computational Biology 9: e1003265.

Grabenhorst,F. and Rolls,E.T. (2014). The representation of oral fat texture in the human somatosensory cortex. Human Brain Mapping 35: 2521-2530.

Rolls,E.T. (2013) What are emotional states, and why do we have them? Emotion Review 5: 241-247.

Rolls,E.T. (2013) On the relation between the mind and the brain: a neuroscience perspective. Philosophia Scientiae 17 (2): 31-70.

Gallo,M. Gámiz,F., Perez-García,M., del Moral,R.G. and Rolls, E. T. (2014) Taste and olfactory status in a gourmand with a right amygdala lesion. Neurocase: The Neural basis of Cognition 20: 421-433. 

Gabbott,P.L. and Rolls,E.T. (2013). Increased neuronal firing in resting and sleep in areas of the macaque medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) that are part of the default mode network. European Journal of Neuroscience 37: 1737-1746.

Rolls,E.T. (2013) A biased activation theory of the cognitive and attentional modulation of emotion. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7: 74.

Rolls,E.T. (2012) Taste, olfactory, and food texture reward processing in the brain and the control of appetite. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 71: 488-501.

Rolls,E.T. (2012) Willed action, free will, and the stochastic neurodynamics of decision-making. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 6: 68.

Rolls, E.T. (2012) Mechanisms for sensing fat in food in the mouth. Journal of Food Science 77: S140-S142.

Deco,G., Rolls,E.T., Albantakis,L. and Romo,R. (2013). Brain mechanisms for perceptual and reward-related decision-making. Progress in Neurobiology  103: 194-213.

Rolls, E. T. (2012) The emotional systems. Chapter 38, pp. 1315-1337 in J.K.Mai and G.Paxinos (Eds.), The Human Nervous System. 3rd Edition. Elsevier: London.

Rolls,E.T. (2011) Mecanismo de acao do sabor e do gusto umami no cerebro. Chapter 15 pp 465-492 in Umami e Glutamato. Ed. F.G.Reyes Reyes. Pleiade: Sao Paolo.

Rolls,E.T. (2011) A neurobiological basis for affective feelings and aesthetics. Chapter 8 pp 116-165 in The Aesthetic Mind: Philosophy and Psychology. Eds. E.Schellekens and P.Goldie. Oxford University Press: Oxford.

Rolls, E. T. (2011) Chemosensory learning in the cortex. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 5: 78.

Ge, T., Feng, J., Grabenhorst,F. and Rolls,E.T. (2012) Componential Granger causality, and its application to identifying the source and mechanisms of the top-down biased activation that controls attention to affective vs sensory processing. Neuroimage 59: 1846-1858.

Rolls,E.T. (2012) Glutamate, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, and the stability of cortical attractor neuronal networks. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 100: 736-751.

Martinez-Garcia, M., Rolls,E.T., Deco,G. and Romo,R. (2011) Neural and computational mechanisms of postponed decisions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA): 108: 11626-11631. Supplementary Material.

Rolls,E.T. (2011) Face neurons. Ch 4 pp 51-75 in The Oxford Handbook of Face Perception. Eds. A.J.Calder, G.Rhodes, M.H.Johnson and J.V.Haxby. Oxford University Press: Oxford.

Rolls,E.T. and Deco,G. (2011) Prediction of decisions from noise in the brain before the evidence is provided. Frontiers in Neuroscience 5: 33 (1-11).

Rolls,E.T. (2011) The neural representation of oral texture including fat texture. Journal of Texture Studies 42: 137-156.

Rolls, E. T. (2011) Consciousness, decision-making, and neural computation. Chapter 9, pp 287-333 in Perception-Action Cycle: Models, architectures and hardware. Eds. V.Cutsuridis, A.Hussain and J.G.Taylor. Springer: New York.

Grabenhorst,F. and Rolls,E .T. (2011) Value, pleasure, and choice  in the ventral prefrontal cortex. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15: 56-67.

Grabenhorst,F., Rolls,E .T. and Margot, C. (2011) A hedonically complex odor mixture captures the brain's attention. Neuroimage 55: 832-843..

Rolls, E. T. (2010) Noise in the brain, decision making, determinism, free will, and consciousness. Pp. 113-120 in New Horizons in the Neuroscience of Consciousness. Eds. E.Perry, D.Collerton, F.Lebeau and H.Ashton. John Benjamins: Amsterdam.

Rolls, E. T. (2011) Functions of human emotional memory: the brain and emotion. Chapter 8, pp. 173-191 in The Memory Process: Neuroscientific and Humanistic Perspectives, Eds. S. Nalbantian, P.M. Matthews, and J. L. McClelland. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.

Smerieri,A., Rolls,E.T. and Feng,J. (2010) Decision time, slow inhibition, and theta rhythm. Journal of Neuroscience 30: 14173-14181.

Rolls,E.T., Grabenhorst,F. and Deco,G. (2010) Decision-making, errors, and confidence in the brain. Journal of Neurophysiology 104: 2359-2374.

Grabenhorst,F. and Rolls,E .T. (2010) Attentional modulation of affective vs sensory processing: functional connectivity and a top-down biased activation theory of selective attention. Journal of Neurophysiology 104: 1649-1660.

Rolls,E.T. (2011) Taste, olfactory, and food texture reward processing in the brain and obesity. International Journal of Obesity 35: 550-561.

Rolls,E.T., Grabenhorst,F. and Deco,G. (2010) Choice, difficulty, and confidence in the brain. Neuroimage 53: 694-706.

Rolls,E.T. (2010) Taste, olfactory and food texture processing in the brain and the control of appetite. Ch. 4 pp 41-56 in Obesity Prevention. Eds. L.Dube, A.Bechara, A.Dagher, A.Drewnowski, J.LeBel, P.James, and R.Y.Yada. Academic Press: London.

Insabato, A., Pannunzi, M., Rolls,E.T., and Deco,G. (2010) Confidence-related decision-making. Journal of Neurophysiology 104: 539-547.

Rolls,E.T., Grabenhorst,F. and Parris,B. (2010) Neural systems underlying decisions about affective odors. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 22: 1069-1082.

Rolls,E.T. (2010) The affective and cognitive processing of touch, oral texture, and temperature in the brain. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 43: 237-245.

Grabenhorst,F., D’Souza,A., Parris,B.A., Rolls,E .T. and Passingham,R.E. (2010) A common neural scale for the subjective value of different primary rewards. Neuroimage 51: 1265-1274.

Deco,G., Rolls,E.T., and Romo,R. (2010) Synaptic dynamics and decision-making. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107:7545-7549.
476. Rolls,E.T. (2010) Attractor networks. WIREs Cognitive Science 1: 119-134.
Rolls,E.T. (2010) Neural representation of fat texture in the mouth. Ch. 8, pp. 197-223 in Fat Detection: Taste, Texture, and Postingestive Effects. Eds. J-P. Montmayeur and J. le Coutre. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Rolls,E.T., Critchley,H.D., Verhagen,J.V. and Kadohisa,M. (2010) The representation of information about taste and odor in the orbitofrontal cortex. Chemosensory Perception 3: 16-33.

Grabenhorst,F., Rolls,E .T., Parris,B.A. and D’Souza,A. (2010) How the brain represents the reward value of fat in the mouth. Cerebral Cortex 20: 1082-1091.

Rolls,E.T. (2009) The orbitofrontal cortex. Pp. 290-292 in The Oxford Companion to Emotion and the Affective Sciences, Eds. D. Sander and K.R.Scherer. Oxford University Press: Oxford.

Rolls,E.T. (2009) From reward value to decision-making: neuronal and computational principles. Chapter 5, pp. 95-130 in Handbook of Reward and Decision Making, Eds. J-C. Dreher and L.Tremblay. Academic Press: New York

Rolls,E.T. (2009) Functional neuroimaging of umami taste: what makes umami pleasant. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 90: 803S-814S.

Rolls, E. T. (2009)  The anterior and midcingulate cortices and reward. Chapter 8 pp. 191-206 in B.A.Vogt  (ed.), Cingulate Neurobiology and Disease. Oxford University Press: Oxford.

Grabenhorst,F. and Rolls,E .T. (2009) Different representations of relative and absolute subjective value in the human brain. Neuroimage 48: 258-268.

Deco,G. and Rolls,E.T. (2009) Stochastic dynamics in the brain and probabilistic decision-making. Pp. 31-50 in Creating Brain-like Intelligence: From Basic principles to Complex Intelligent Systems, Eds. B.Sendhoff, E.Körner, O.Sporns, H.Ritter and K.Doya. Springer-Verlag: Berlin.

Deco,G. and Rolls,E.T. (2009) Stochastic neurodynamical computation of brain functions. Chapter 3, pp. 45-57 in Computational Modelling in Behavioural Neuroscience, Eds. D.Heinke and E.Mavritsaki. Psychology Press: Hove, UK.

Deco,G., Rolls, E.T. and Romo,R. (2009). Stochastic dynamics as a principle of brain function. Progress in Neurobiology 88: 1-16.
462. Rolls,E .T., Grabenhorst,F.and Franco,L. (2009) Prediction of subjective affective state from brain activations. Journal of Neurophysiology 101:1294-1308.
461. Rolls, E. T. (2009) Prefrontal contributions to reward encoding. Pp. 895-903 in Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Ed. L.R.Squire. Academic Press: Oxford.
460. Rolls, E. T. (2009) Reward neurophysiology and orbitofrontal cortex. Pp. 319-324 in Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Ed. L.R.Squire. Academic Press: Oxford.
459. Rolls, E. T. (2009) Orbitofrontal cortex: visual functions. Pp. 295-302 in Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Ed. L.R.Squire. Academic Press: Oxford.
458. Rolls, E. T. (2009) Flavor physiology. Pp. 237-232 in Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Ed. L.R.Squire. Academic Press: Oxford.
457. Rolls, E. T. (2009) Cortical processing of the reward value of food. Pp. 189-195 in Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Ed. L.R.Squire. Academic Press: Oxford.
Rolls, E. T. (2008). Emotion, higher order syntactic thoughts, and consciousness. Chapter 4, pp. 131-167 in Frontiers of Consciousness, eds. L.Weiskrantz and M.Davies. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Grabenhorst,F., Rolls,E.T. and Parris,B.A. (2008) From affective value to decision-making in the prefrontal cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience 28: 1930-1939.
Rolls,E .T. and Grabenhorst,F. (2008) The orbitofrontal cortex and beyond: from affect to decision-making. Progress in Neurobiology 86: 216-244.
Rolls, E.T. (2008) Face processing in different brain areas, and critical band masking. Journal of Neuropsychology 2, 325-360.
Rolls,E.T., Loh,M. and Deco,G. (2008) An attractor hypothesis of obsessive-compulsive disorder. European Journal of Neuroscience 28: 782-793.
Rolls,E.T. (2009) Face processing in different brain areas. Pp. 1549-1555 in Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Eds. U.Windhorst, M.D.Binder and N.Hirokawa. Springer-Verlag: Berlin.
Rolls,E.T. (2008) Functions of the orbitofrontal and pregenual cingulate cortex in taste, olfaction, appetite and emotion. Acta Physiologica Hungarica 95: 131-164.
Rolls,E.T., Grabenhorst,F., Margot,C., da Silva, M. and Velazco,M. I. (2008) Selective attention to affective value alters how the brain processes olfactory stimuli. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 20: 1815-1826.
Rolls,E .T., Grabenhorst,F. and Parris,B. (2008) Warm pleasant feelings in the brain. Neuroimage 41: 1504-1513..
McCabe,C., Rolls,E.T., Bilderbeck,A. and McGlone,F. (2008) Cognitive influences on the affective representation of touch and the sight of touch in the human brain. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 3: 97-108.
Rolls, E. T. (2008) The representation of flavor in the brain. In The Senses - A Comprehensive Reference, Eds. A.I.Basbaum, A.Kaneko, G.M.Shepherd and G.Westheimer. Chapter 4.26 pp 469-478 in Vol 4, Olfaction and Taste, Eds. S.Firestein and G.K.Beauchamp. Academic Press: San Diego.
Grabenhorst,F. and Rolls,E .T. (2008) Selective attention to affective value alters how the brain processes taste stimuli. European Journal of Neuroscience 27: 723-729.
Grabenhorst,F., Rolls,E .T., Margot,C., da Silva,M. and Velazco,M. I. (2007) How pleasant and unpleasant stimuli combine in different brain regions: odor mixtures. Journal of Neuroscience 27: 13532-13540.
Grabenhorst,F., Rolls,E .T. and Bilderbeck,A. (2008) How cognition modulates affective responses to taste and flavor: top-down influences on the orbitofrontal and pregenual cingulate cortices. Cerebral Cortex 18: 1549-1559.
Rolls,E.T. (2007) A computational neuroscience approach to consciousnessNeural Networks 20: 962-982.
Rolls, E. T. (2007)  A neurobiological approach to emotional intelligence. Chapter 3, pp. 72-100 in The Science of Emotional Intelligence, Eds. G.Matthews, M.Zeidner and R.D.Roberts. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Rolls,E.T. and McCabe,C. (2007) Enhanced affective brain representations of chocolate in cravers vs non-cravers. European Journal of Neuroscience 26: 1067-1076.
Guest,S., Grabenhorst,F., Essick,G., Chen,Y, Young,M., McGlone,F., de Araujo,I. and Rolls,E.T. (2007) Human cortical representation of oral temperature. Physiology and Behavior 92: 975-984.
Rolls,E.T., McCabe,C. and Redoute,J. (2008) Expected value, reward outcome, and temporal difference error representations in a probabilistic decision task. Cerebral Cortex 18: 652-663..
Rolls, E.T. (2007) Emotion elicited by primary reinforcers and following stimulus-reinforcement association learning. Chapter 9 pp. 137-157 in Handbook of Emotion Elicitation and Assessment Eds. J.A.Coan and J.J.B.Allen. Oxford University Press: New York.
Rolls,E.T. (2007) The affective neuroscience of consciousness: higher order syntactic thoughts, dual routes to emotion and action, and consciousness. Chapter 29, pp. 831-859 in Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness.  Eds. P.D. Zelazo, M. Moscovitch and E.Thompson. Cambridge University Press: New York.
Rolls, E. T. (2007)  Sensory processing in the brain related to the control of food intakeProceedings of the Nutrition Society 66: 96-112
Deco,G. and Rolls,E.T. (2007) Decision-making mechanisms in the brain. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 887: 21-28.
McCabe,C. and Rolls,E.T. (2007) Umami: a delicious flavor formed by convergence of taste and olfactory pathways in the human brain. European Journal of Neuroscience 25: 1855-1864.
Rolls, E. T. (2007) Understanding the mechanisms of food intake and obesity. Obesity Reviews 8 (Suppl 1): 67-72.
Rolls, E. T. (2007) The representation of information about faces in the temporal and frontal lobesNeuropsychologia 45 124-143.
Rolls,E.T. (2006) The neurophysiology and functions of the orbitofrontal cortex. Chapter 5, pp. 95-124 in The Orbitofrontal Cortex. Eds. D.H.Zald and S.L.Rauch. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Deco,G. and Rolls,E.T. (2006) A neurophysiological model of decision-making and Weber's law. European Journal of Neuroscience 24: 901-916.
Rolls, E. T. (2006)  Brain mechanisms of emotion and decision-making. International Congress Series 1291: 3-13.  Elsevier: Amsterdam.
Rolls, E. T. (2006)  Brain mechanisms underlying flavour and appetitePhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 361: 1123-1136.
Rolls, E. T. (2006)  Consciousness absent and present: a neurophysiological exploration of masking.  Ch 6, pp. 89-108 in: The First Half Second: the microgenesis and temporal dynamics of unconscious and conscious visual processes.  (Eds.) H. Ogmen & B. G. Breitmeyer.  MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.
Rolls,E.T.,  Critchley,H.D., Browning,A.S. and Inoue,K. (2006) Face-selective and auditory neurons in the primate orbitofrontal cortex. Experimental Brain Research 170: 74-87.
Berlin,H., Rolls, E.T., and Iversen,S.D. (2005) Borderline Personality Disorder, impulsivity, and the orbitofrontal cortex. American Journal of Psychiatry 162: 2360-2373.
Rolls,E.T. (2005) Hunger, thirst and satiety. Chapter 86, pp. 1107-1118 in Fisiologia Humana, 3rd Edition, ed. J.A.F.Tresguerres. McGraw-Hill/Interamericana: Madrid.
Deco,G. and Rolls,E.T. (2005) Attention, short term memory, and action selection: a unifying theory. Progress in Neurobiology 76: 236-256.
Rolls,E.T.,  Browning,A.S., Inoue,K. and Hernadi,S. (2005) Novel visual stimuli activate a population of neurons in the primate orbitofrontal cortex. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 84: 111-123.
Rolls,E.T., and Xiang,J-Z. (2005) Reward - spatial view representations and learning in the primate hippocampus. Journal of Neuroscience 25: 6167-6174.
Rolls, E. T. (2005)  Taste, olfactory, and food texture processing in the brain, and the control of food intake. Physiology and Behavior 85: 45-56.
Rolls, E. T. (2005)  fMRI and the sensory perception of food. Pp. 3-10 in Magnetic Resonance in Food Science.  Eds. S.B. Engelsen, P.S. Belton and H.J. Jakobsen. The Royal Society of Chemistry: Cambridge.
Wilson,F.A.W. and Rolls,E.T. (2005) The primate amygdala and reinforcement: a dissociation between rule-based and associatively-mediated memory revealed in amygdala neuronal activity. Neuroscience 133: 1061-1072.
Kadohisa,M., Rolls,E.T. and Verhagen,J.V. (2005) Neuronal representations of stimuli in the mouth: the primate insular taste cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and amygdala. Chemical Senses 30: 401-419.
De Araujo,I.E.T., Rolls,E.T., Velazco,M.I., Margot,C. and Cayeux,I. (2005) Cognitive modulation of olfactory processing. Neuron 46: 671-679.
Rolls, E.T. (2005) What are emotions, why do we have emotions, and what is their computational basis in the brain? Ch 5, pp. 117-146 in  Who Needs Emotions? The Brain Meets the Robot  Eds. J.-M. Fellous and M.A. Arbib. Oxford University Press: New York.
Rolls,E.T. (2005) Motivation. Chapter 5 pp. Pp. 94-111 in Psychology, Eds. M.Hewstone, F.D.Fincham and J.Foster.  Blackwell: Oxford.
Kadohisa,M., Rolls,E.T. and Verhagen,J.V. (2005) The primate amygdala: neuronal representations of the viscosity, fat texture, grittiness, and taste of foods. Neuroscience 132: 32-48.
Rolls, E. T. (2004) Taste, olfactory, texture and temperature multimodal representations in the brain, and their relevance to the control of appetite.  Primatologie 6: 5-32.
Rolls, E.T. (2004) Smell, taste, texture and temperature multimodal representations in the brain, and their relevance to the control of appetite. Nutrition Reviews 62: S193-S204.
Völlm,B.A., de Araujo,I.E., Cowen,P.J., Rolls,E.T., Kringelbach,M.L., Smith,K.A., Jezzard,P., Heal,R.J., and Matthews,P.M.(2004) Methamphetamine activates reward circuitry in drug naďve human subjects. Neuropsychopharmacology 29: 1715-1722.
Rolls, E. T. (2004).  Convergence of sensory systems in the orbitofrontal cortex, and brain design for emotion. The Anatomical Record 281A: 1212-1225.
Deco,G. and Rolls,E.T. (2005) Synaptic and spiking dynamics underlying reward reversal in the orbitofrontal cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 15: 15-30.
Verhagen,J.V., Kadohisa,M., and Rolls,E.T. (2004) The primate insular/opercular taste cortex: neuronal representations of the viscosity, fat texture, grittiness, temperature, and taste of foods. Journal of Neurophysiology 92: 1685-1699.
Berlin,H., and Rolls, E.T. (2004) Time perception, impulsivity, emotionality, and personality in self-harming Borderline Personality Disorder patients. Journal of Personality Disorders 18: 358-378.
Kadohisa,M., Rolls,E.T. and Verhagen,J.V. (2004) Orbitofrontal cortex neuronal representation of temperature and capsaicin in the mouth. Neuroscience 127: 207-221.
O’Doherty,J., Rolls,E.T. and Kringelbach,M.L. (2004) Neuroimaging studies of crossmodal integration for emotion. Ch. 35, pp. 563-579 in: The Handbook of Multisensory Processes. Eds. G.Calvert, C.Spence and B.E.Stein. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.
Rolls,E.T. (2004) Multimodal neuronal convergence of taste, somatosensory, visual, olfactory and auditory inputs. Ch. 19, Pp. 311-331 in: The Handbook of Multisensory Processes. Eds. G.Calvert, C.Spence and B.E.Stein. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.
Rolls,E.T. (2004) The functions of the orbitofrontal cortex. Brain and Cognition 55: 11-29.
Kringelbach,M.L. and Rolls,E.T. (2004) The functional neuroanatomy of the human orbitofrontal cortex: evidence from neuroimaging and neuropsychology. Progress in Neurobiology 72: 341-372.
Rolls, E.T. (2004) A higher order syntactic thought (HOST) theory of consciousness. Ch 7, pp. 137-172 in Higher Order Theories of Consciousness. Ed. R.J.Gennaro. John Benjamins: Amsterdam/Philadelphia.
Hornak, J., O’Doherty, J, Bramham, J., Rolls, E.T., Morris, R.G., Bullock,P.R. and Polkey, C.E. (2004). Reward-related reversal learning after surgical excisions in orbitofrontal and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in humans. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 16: 463-478.
Berlin,H., Rolls, E.T., and Kischka,U. (2004) Impulsivity, time perception, emotion, and reinforcement sensitivity in patients with orbitofrontal cortex lesions. Brain, 127: 1108-1126.
De Araujo,I.E.T. and Rolls,E.T. (2004) Representation in the human brain of food texture and oral fat. Journal of Neuroscience 24: 3086-3093.
Rolls, E.T. (2003). Vision, emotion and memory: from neurophysiology to computation. Pp. 547-573 in Cognition and Emotion in the Brain.  (Eds. T. Ono, G. Matsumoto, R. R. Llinas, A. Berthoz, R. Norgren, H. Nishijo, and R. Tamura).  Elsevier Science: Amsterdam.
Kringelbach,M.L., De Araujo,I.E.T., and Rolls,E.T. (2004) Taste-related activity in the human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Neuroimage, 21: 781-788.
Rolls,E.T., Verhagen,J.V. and Kadohisa,M. (2003) Representations of the texture of food in the primate orbitofrontal cortex: neurons responding to viscosity, grittiness, and capsaicin. Journal of Neurophysiology 90: 3711-3724.
Rolls,E.T. (2004) Invariant object and face recognition. In The Visual Neurosciences. Pages 1165-1178 in Volume 2. Eds. L.M.Chalupa and J.S.Werner. MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass.
Rolls,E.T. (2003) Brain mechanisms that analyse umami taste and their relation to the control of feeding. In Modern Aspects of Nutrition. Present Knowledge and Future Perspectives. Eds. I. Elmadfa, E.Anklam and J.S.Konig. Forum Nutr. 56: 84-87. Karger: Basel.
Rolls, E.T. (2003) Consciousness absent and present: a neurophysiological exploration. Progress in Brain Research 144: 95-106.
De Araujo,I.E.T., Rolls,E.T., Kringelbach,M.L., McGlone,F. and Phillips,N. (2003) Taste-olfactory convergence, and the representation of the pleasantness of flavour, in the human brain. European Journal of Neuroscience 18: 2059-2068.
Kringelbach,M.L. and Rolls,E.T.  (2003) Neural correlates of rapid reversal learning in a simple model of human social interaction. Neuroimage 20: 1371-1383.
Verhagen,J.V., Rolls,E.T. and Kadohisa,M. (2003) Neurons in the primate orbitofrontal cortex respond to fat texture independently of viscosity. Journal of Neurophysiology 90: 1514-1525.
De Araujo,I.E.T., Kringelbach,M.L., Rolls,E.T. and McGlone,F. (2003) Human cortical responses to water in the mouth, and the effects of thirst. Journal of Neurophysiology 90: 1865-1876.
Kringelbach,M.L., O’Doherty,J., Rolls,E.T. and Andrews,C. (2003) Activation of the human orbitofrontal cortex to a liquid food stimulus is correlated with its subjective pleasantness. Cerebral Cortex 13: 1064-1071.
Rolls,E.T., Kringelbach,M.L. and De Araujo,I.E.T. (2003) Different representations of pleasant and unpleasant odors in the human brain. European Journal of Neuroscience 18: 695-703.
Rolls,E.T.,  Inoue,K., and Browning,A.S. (2003) Activity of primate subgenual cingulate cortex neurons is related to sleepJournal of Neurophysiology 90: 134-142.
Hornak,J., Bramham,J., Rolls,E.T., Morris,R.G., O’Doherty,J., Bullock,P.R. and Polkey,C.E. (2003) Changes in emotion after circumscribed surgical lesions of the orbitofrontal and cingulate cortices. Brain 126: 1691-1712.
De Araujo,I.E.T., Kringelbach,M.L., Rolls,E.T. and Hobden,P. (2003) The representation of umami taste in the human brain. Journal of Neurophysiology 90: 313-319.
Rolls,E.T. (2002) Brain mechanisms involved in emotion. Pp. 361-389 in Memory and Emotion, Eds. P.Calabrese and A.Neugebauer. World Scientific: London.
Rolls,E.T. (2002) A theory of emotion, its functions, and its adaptive value. Pp. 349-360 in Memory and Emotion, Eds. P.Calabrese and A.Neugebauer. World Scientific: London.
Rolls,E.T. and Scott,T.R. (2003) Central taste anatomy and neurophysiology.  Ch. 33, pp. 679-705 in Handbook of Olfaction and Gustation, 2nd Edition, Ed. R.L.Doty. Dekker: New York.
Rolls,E.T. (2002) A theory of emotion, its functions, and its adaptive value. Chapter 2, pp. 11-32 in Emotions in Humans and Artifacts, Eds. R.Trappl, P.Petta and S. Payr. MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass.
322. Rolls,E.T., O'Doherty,J., Kringelbach,M.L., Francis,S., Bowtell,R. and McGlone,F. (2003) Representations of pleasant and painful touch in the human orbitofrontal and cingulate cortices. Cerebral Cortex 13:308-317.


Wilson,J.L., Jenkinson,M., Araujo,I., Kringelbach,M.L., Rolls,E.T. and Jezzard,P. (2002) Fast, fully automated global and local magnetic field optimisation for fMRI of the human brain. Neuroimage 17: 967-976.


Rolls,E.T. and Calvert,G. (2002) Pleasure, biological basis. Pp. 548 in The Oxford Companion to the Body, Eds. C.Blakemore and S.Jennett. Oxford University Press: Oxford.


Rolls,E.T. (2002) Emotion, scientific aspects. Pp. 243-244 in The Oxford Companion to the Body, Eds. C.Blakemore and S.Jennett. Oxford University Press: Oxford.


Rolls,E.T. (2002) The neural basis of emotion. pp. 4444-4449. In International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Eds. N.J.Smelsner and P.B.Baltes. Pergamon: Amsterdam.

310. Rolls,E.T. (2002) The functions of the orbitofrontal cortex. Chapter 23, pp. 354-375 in Principles of Frontal Lobe Function, Eds. D.T.Stuss and R.T.Knight. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
308. Rolls,E.T. (2002) The cortical representation of taste and smell. In: Olfaction, Taste and Cognition, Eds. G.Rouby, B.Schaal, D.Dubois, R.Gervais and A.Holley. Cambridge University Press: New York.
298. Rolls,E.T. (2001) The representation of umami taste in the human and macaque cortex. Sensory Neuron, 3(3):227-242.
292. Rolls,E.T. (2001) The rules of formation of the olfactory representations found in the orbitofrontal cortex olfactory areas in primates. Chemical Senses 26: 595-604.
291. O'Doherty,J., Rolls,E.T., Francis,S., McGlone,F. and Bowtell,R. (2001) The representation of pleasant and aversive taste in the human brain. Journal of Neurophysiology 85, 1315-1321.
289. Rolls,E.T. and Stringer,S.M. (2001) A model of the interaction between mood and memory. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 12: 89-109.
288. O'Doherty, J., Kringelbach, M.L, Rolls, E.T., Hornak, J. and Andrews, C. (2001) Abstract reward and punishment representations in the human orbitofrontal cortex. Nature Neuroscience, 4: 95-102


O’Doherty,J., Rolls,E.T., Francis,S., Bowtell,R., McGlone,F., Kobal,G., Renner,B. and Ahne,G. (2000)  Sensory-specific satiety related olfactory activation of the human orbitofrontal cortex. NeuroReport 11: 893-897.


Rolls,E.T. (2000) Neurophysiology and functions of the primate amygdala, and the neural basis of emotion. Ch. 13, pp. 447-478 in The Amygdala: Second Edition. A Functional Analysis. Ed. J.P.Aggleton. Oxford University Press: Oxford.


Rolls,E.T. (2000)  Functions of the primate temporal lobe cortical visual areas in invariant visual object and face recognition. Neuron 27: 1-20.


Rolls,E.T. (2000) The representation of umami taste in the taste cortex. Journal of Nutrition 130: S960-S965.


Rolls,E.T. (2000) Taste, olfactory, visual and somatosensory representations of the sensory properties of foods in the brain, and their relation to the control of food intake. Ch. 17, pp. 247-262 in Neural and Metabolic Control of Macronutrient Intake, Eds. H.-R.Berthoud and R.J.Seeley. CRC Press: Boca-Raton, Florida.


Rolls,E.T. (2000) The orbitofrontal cortex and reward. Cerebral Cortex 10: 284-294.


Rolls,E.T. (2000) Précis of The Brain and Emotion. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23: 177-233.


Rolls,E.T. (1999) The functions of the orbitofrontal cortex. Neurocase 5: 301-312.


Rolls,E.T., Critchley,H.D., Browning,A.S., Hernadi,A. and Lenard,L. (1999) Responses to the sensory properties of fat of neurons in the primate orbitofrontal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 19: 1532-1540.


Rolls,E.T. (1999) Taste and olfactory processing in the brain, and its relation to the regulation of food intake. Chapter 1, pp. 19-36 in  Regulation of Food Intake and Energy Expenditure, Eds. M.S.Westerterp-Plantenga, A.B.Steffens and A.Tremblay. EDRA: Milan.


Francis,S., Rolls,E.T., Bowtell,R., McGlone,F., O’Doherty,J., Browning,A., Clare,S. and Smith,E. (1999) The representation of pleasant touch in the brain and its relationship with taste and olfactory areas. NeuroReport 10: 453-459.


Rolls,E.T. and Mora,F. (1998) Hunger, thirst and satiety. In Fisiologia Humana, 2nd Edition, ed. J.A.F.Tresguerres. McGraw-Hill/Interamericana: New York.


Rolls,E.T. (1998) Motivation. Ch. 16, pp. 503-531 in Psychology,  ed. M. Eysenck. Addison Wesley Longman: London.


Rolls,E.T., Critchley,H.D., Browning,A. and Hernadi,I. (1998) The neurophysiology of taste and olfaction in primates, and umami flavor. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 855: 426-437.


Rolls,E.T. (1998) Taste and olfactory processing in the brain, and its relation to the control of eating. Frontiers of Oral Biology 9: 40-75. (The Scientific Basis of Eating, ed. R.W.A.Linden). Karger: Basel.


Rolls,E.T. (1997) A theory of emotion and its brain mechanisms. Chapter 18, pp. 296-318 in A Century of Psychology eds. R.Fuller, P.N.Walsh and P.McGinley. Routledge: London.


Rolls,E.T. (1997) Taste and olfactory processing in the brain and its relation to the control of eating. Critical Reviews in Neurobiology 11: 263-287.


Rolls,E.T. (1997) Consciousness in Neural Networks? Neural Networks 10: 1227-1240.


Rolls,E.T. and Rolls,J.H. (1997) Olfactory sensory-specific satiety in humans. Physiology and Behavior 61: 461-473.


Rolls,E.T. (1997) Neural processing underlying food selection. Ch. 4, pp. 39-53 in Food Preferences and Intake: Continuity and Change, ed. H.Macbeth. Berghahn: Oxford.


Taira,K. and Rolls,E.T. (1996) Receiving grooming as a reinforcer for the monkey. Physiology and Behavior 59: 1189-1192.


Ono,T., McNaughton,B.L., Molotchnikoff,S., Rolls,E.T. and Nishijo,H. (eds) (1996) Perception, Memory and Emotion: Frontier in Neuroscience. Elsevier: Amsterdam.


Critchley,H.D. and Rolls,E.T. (1996) Hunger and satiety modify the responses of olfactory and visual neurons in the primate orbitofrontal cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology 75: 1673-1686.


Rolls,E.T., Critchley,H.D. and Treves,A. (1996) The representation of olfactory information in the primate orbitofrontal cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology 75: 1982-1996.


Rolls,E.T., Critchley,H., Wakeman,E.A. and Mason,R. (1996) Responses of neurons in the primate taste cortex to the glutamate ion and to inosine 5'-monophosphate. Physiology and Behavior 59: 991-1000.


Rolls,E.T., Critchley,H., Mason,R. and Wakeman,E.A. (1996) Orbitofrontal cortex neurons: role in olfactory and visual association learning. Journal of Neurophysiology 75: 1970-1981.


Critchley,H.D. and Rolls,E.T. (1996) Olfactory neuronal responses in the primate orbitofrontal cortex: analysis in an olfactory discrimination task. Journal of Neurophysiology 75: 1659-1672.


Critchley,H.D. and Rolls,E.T. (1996) Responses of primate taste cortex neurons to the astringent tastant tannic acid. Chemical Senses 21: 135-145.


Rolls,E.T. (1996) The orbitofrontal cortex. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 351: 1433-1444.


Hornak,J., Rolls,E.T. and Wade,D. (1996) Face and voice expression identification in patients with emotional and behavioural changes following ventral frontal lobe damage. Neuropsychologia 34: 247-261.


Scott,T.R., Yan,J. and Rolls,E.T. (1995) Brain mechanisms of satiety and taste in macaques. Neurobiology 3: 281-292.


Rolls,E.T. (1995) Central taste anatomy and neurophysiology. Ch. 24, pp. 549-573 in Handbook of Olfaction and Gustation, ed. R.L.Doty. Dekker: New York.


Rolls,E.T. (1995) A theory of emotion and consciousness, and its application to understanding the neural basis of emotion. Ch 72, pp. 1091-1106 in The Cognitive Neurosciences, ed. M.S.Gazzaniga. MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass.


Baylis,L.L., Rolls,E.T. and Baylis,G.C. (1994) Afferent connections of the orbitofrontal cortex taste area of the primate. Neuroscience 64: 801-812.


Rolls,E.T. and Baylis,L.L. (1994) Gustatory, olfactory and visual convergence within the primate orbitofrontal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 14: 5437-5452.


Rolls,E.T., Hornak,J., Wade,D. and McGrath,J. (1994) Emotion-related learning in patients with social and emotional changes associated with frontal lobe damage. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 57: 1518-1524.


Rolls,E.T. (1994) Neural processing related to feeding in primates. Ch. 2, pp. 11-53 in Appetite: Neural and Behavioural Bases, ed. C.R.Legg and D.A.Booth. Oxford University Press: Oxford.


Rolls,E.T. (1994) Neurophysiology and cognitive functions of the striatum. Revue Neurologique (Paris) 150: 648-660.


Wilson,F.A.W. and Rolls,E.T. (1993) The effects of stimulus novelty and familiarity on neuronal activity in the amygdala of monkeys performing recognition memory tasks. Experimental Brain Research 93: 367-382.


Rolls,E.T. (1993) The neural control of feeding in primates. Ch. 9, pp. 137-169 in Neurophysiology of Ingestion ed. D.A.Booth. Pergamon: Oxford.


Williams,G.V., Rolls,E.T., Leonard,C.M. and Stern,C. (1993) Neuronal responses in the ventral striatum of the behaving macaque. Behavioural Brain Research 55: 243-252.


Rolls,E.T. and F.Mora (1992) Hunger, thirst and satiety. Ch. 90, pp. 1155-1165 in Fisiologia Humana, ed. J.A.F.Tresguerres. McGraw-Hill/Interamericana: New York.


Rolls,E.T. (1992) The processing of face information in the primate temporal lobe. Ch. 3, pp. 41-68 in Processing Images of Faces, eds. V.Bruce and M.Burton. Ablex: Norwood, New Jersey.


Rolls,E.T. and Johnstone,S. (1992) Neurophysiological analysis of striatal function. Ch. 3, pp. 61-97 in Neuropsychological Disorders Associated with Subcortical Lesions, eds. G.Vallar, S.F.Cappa and C.W.Wallesch. Oxford University Press: Oxford.


Rolls,E.T. (1992) Neurophysiological mechanisms underlying face processing within and beyond the temporal cortical visual areas. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 335: 11-21.


Rolls,E.T. (1992) Neurophysiology and functions of the primate amygdala. Ch. 5, pp. 143-165 in The Amygdala, ed. J.P.Aggleton. Wiley-Liss: New York.


Baylis,L.L. and Rolls,E.T. (1991) Responses of neurons in the primate taste cortex to glutamate. Physiology and Behavior 49: 973-979.


Rolls,E.T. (1990) A theory of emotion, and its application to understanding the neural basis of emotion. Cognition and Emotion 4: 161-190.


Johnstone,S. and Rolls,E.T. (1990) Delay, discriminatory, and modality specific neurons in striatum and pallidum during short-term memory tasks. Brain Research 522: 147-151.


Wilson,F.A.W. and Rolls,E.T. (1990) Learning and memory are reflected in the responses of reinforcement-related neurons in the primate basal forebrain. Journal of Neuroscience 10: 1254-1267. 


Wilson,F.A.W. and Rolls,E.T. (1990) Neuronal responses related to reinforcement in the primate basal forebrain. Brain Research 509: 213-231.


Wilson,F.A.W. and Rolls,E.T. (1990) Neuronal responses related to the novelty and familiarity of visual stimuli in the substantia innominata, diagonal band of Broca and periventricular region of the primate. Experimental Brain Research 80: 104-120.


Rolls,E.T., Yaxley,S. and Sienkiewicz,Z.J. (1990) Gustatory responses of single neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex of the macaque monkey. Journal of Neurophysiology 64: 1055-1066.


Yaxley,S., Rolls,E.T. and Sienkiewicz,Z.J. (1990) Gustatory responses of single neurons in the insula of the macaque monkey. Journal of Neurophysiology 63: 689-700.


Rolls,E.T. (1990) Functions of different regions of the basal ganglia. Ch. 5, pp. 151-184 in Parkinson's Disease, ed. G.M.Stern. Chapman and Hall: London.


Hasselmo,M.E., Rolls,E.T. and Baylis,G.C. (1989) The role of expression and identity in the face-selective responses of neurons in the temporal visual cortex of the monkey. Behavioural Brain Research 32: 203-218.


Rolls,E.T., Sienkiewicz,Z.J., and Yaxley,S. (1989) Hunger modulates the responses to gustatory stimuli of single neurons in the caudolateral orbitofrontal cortex of the macaque monkey. European Journal of Neuroscience 1: 53-60.


Rolls,E.T. (1989) Information processing and basal ganglia function. Ch 15, pp. 123-142 in Hierarchies in Neurology. Eds. C.Kennard and M.Swash. Springer-Verlag: London.


Rolls,E.T. (1989) Information processing in the taste system of primates. Journal of Experimental Biology 146: 141-164.


Yaxley,S., Rolls,E.T. and Sienkiewicz,Z.J. (1988) The responsiveness of neurones in the insular gustatory cortex of the macaque monkey is independent of hunger. Physiology and Behavior 42: 223-229.


Rolls,E.T., Scott,T.R., Sienkiewicz,Z.J. and Yaxley,S. (1988) The responsiveness of neurones in the frontal opercular gustatory cortex of the macaque monkey is independent of hunger. Journal of Physiology 397: 1-12.


Rolls,E.T. (1987) A neurophysiological systems approach to neuroethology. Ch. 7, pp. 231-259 in Aims and Methods in Neuroethology, ed. D.M.Guthrie. Manchester University Press: Manchester.


Rolls,E.T. and Williams,G.V. (1987) Neuronal activity in the ventral striatum of the primate. Pp. 349-356 in The Basal Ganglia II- Structure and Function - Current Concepts. Eds. M.B.Carpenter and A.Jayamaran. Plenum: New York.


Rolls,E.T. and Williams,G.V. (1987) Sensory and movement-related neuronal activity in different regions of the primate striatum. Pp. 37-59 in Basal Ganglia and Behavior: Sensory Aspects and Motor Functioning, eds. J.S.Schneider and T.I.Lidsky. Hans Huber: Bern.


Rolls,E.T. (1987) Information representation, processing and storage in the brain: analysis at the single neuron level. Pp. 503-540 in The Neural and Molecular Bases of Learning, eds. J.-P. Changeux and M.Konishi. Wiley: Chichester.


Rolls,E.T. (1986) Neuronal activity related to the control of feeding. Ch. 6, pp. 163-190 in Feeding Behavior: Neural and Humoral Controls, eds. R.C.Ritter, S.Ritter and C.D.Barnes. Academic Press: New York.


Gibbs,J., Rolls,B.J. and Rolls,E.T. (1986) Preabsorptive and postabsorptive factors in the termination of drinking in the rhesus monkey. Pp. 287-294 in Physiology of Thirst and Sodium Appetite, eds. G.De Caro, A.N.Epstein and M.Massi. Plenum: New York and London.


Scott,T.R., Yaxley,S., Sienkiewicz,Z.J. and Rolls,E.T. (1986) Gustatory responses in the frontal opercular cortex of the alert cynomolgus monkey. Journal of Neurophysiology 56: 876-890.


Scott,T.R., Yaxley,S., Sienkiewicz,Z.J. and Rolls,E.T. (1986) Taste responses in the nucleus tractus solitarius of the behaving monkey. Journal of Neurophysiology 55: 182-200.


Rolls,E.T., Murzi,E., Yaxley,S., Thorpe,S.J., and Simpson,S.J. (1986) Sensory-specific satiety: food-specific reduction in responsiveness of ventral forebrain neurons after feeding in the monkey. Brain Research 368: 79-86.


Rolls,E.T. (1986) Neural systems involved in emotion in primates. Chapter 5, pp. 125-143 in Emotion: Theory, Research, and Experience. Volume 3:  Biological Foundations of Emotion, eds. R.Plutchik and H.Kellerman. Academic Press: New York.


Rolls,E.T. (1986) A theory of emotion, and its application to understanding the neural basis of emotion. Pp. 325-344 in Emotions. Neural and Chemical Control, ed. Y.Oomura. Japan Scientific Societies Press: Tokyo and Karger: Basel.


Rolls,E.T. and de Waal,A.W.L. (1985) Long-term sensory-specific satiety: evidence from an Ethiopian refugee camp. Physiology and Behavior 34: 1017-1020.


Yaxley,S., Rolls,E.T., Sienkiewicz,Z.J. and Scott,T.R. (1985) Satiety does not affect gustatory activity in the nucleus of the solitary tract of the alert monkey. Brain Research 347: 85-93.


Leonard,C.M., Rolls,E.T., Wilson,F.A.W. and Baylis,G.C. (1985) Neurons in the amygdala of the monkey with responses selective for faces. Behavioural Brain Research 15: 159-176.


Rolls,E.T. (1985) The neurophysiology of feeding. Ch. 1, pp. 1-16 in Psychopharmacology and Food, eds. M.Sandler and T.Silverstone. Oxford University Press: Oxford.


Rolls,E.T. (1985) Connections, functions and dysfunctions of limbic structures, the prefrontal cortex, and hypothalamus. Pp. 201-213 in The Scientific Basis of Clinical Neurology, eds. M.Swash and C.Kennard. London: Churchill Livingstone.


Rolls,E.T. (1984) Neurons in the cortex of the temporal lobe and in the amygdala of the monkey with responses selective for faces. Human Neurobiology 3: 209-222.


Borsini,F. and Rolls,E.T. (1984) Role of noradrenaline and serotonin in the basolateral region of the amygdala in food preferences and learned taste aversions in the rat. Physiology and Behavior 33: 37-43.


Rolls,B.J., Van Duijenvoorde,P.M. and Rolls,E.T. (1984) Pleasantness changes and food intake in a varied four course meal. Appetite 5: 337-348.


Rolls,E.T. (1984) Activity of neurons in different regions of the striatum of the monkey. Pp. 467-493 in The Basal Ganglia: Structure and Function, eds. J.S.McKenzie, R.E.Kemm and L.N.Wilcox. New York: Plenum.


Rolls,E.T. (1984) The neurophysiology of feeding. International Journal of Obesity 8, Suppl. 1: 139-150.


Rolls,E.T., Thorpe,S.J., Boytim,M., Szabo,I., and Perrett,D.I. (1984) Responses of striatal neurons in the behaving monkey. 3. Effects of iontophoretically applied dopamine on normal responsiveness. Neuroscience 12: 1201-1212.


Caan,W., Perrett,D.I. and Rolls,E.T. (1984) Responses of striatal neurons in the behaving monkey. 2. Visual processing in the caudal neostriatum. Brain Research 290: 53-65.


Rolls,E.T., Rolls,B.J. and Rowe,E.A. (1983) Sensory-specific and motivation-specific satiety for the sight and taste of food and water in man. Physiology and Behavior 30: 185-192.


Fabre,M., Rolls,E.T., Ashton,J.P. and Williams,G. (1983) Activity of neurons in the ventral tegmental region of the behaving monkey. Behavioural Brain Research 9: 213-235.


Rolls,E.T., Thorpe,S.J. and Maddison,S.P. (1983) Responses of striatal neurons in the behaving monkey. 1. Head of the caudate nucleus. Behavioural Brain Research 7: 179-210.


Thorpe,S.J., Rolls,E.T. and Maddison,S. (1983) The orbitofrontal cortex: neuronal activity in the behaving monkey. Experimental Brain Research 49: 93-115.


Rolls,B.J., Rolls,E.T. and Rowe,E.A. (1983) Body fat control and obesity. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4: 744-745.


Rolls,E.T. (1983) Feeding. Pp. 1067-1086 in Advances in Vertebrate Neuroethology, eds. J.-P. Ewert, R.R.Capranica and D.J.Ingle. New York: Plenum Press.


Perrett,D.I., Rolls,E.T. and Caan,W. (1982) Visual neurons responsive to faces in the monkey temporal cortex. Experimental Brain Research, 47: 329-342.


Rolls,B.J., Rolls,E.T. and Rowe,E.A. (1982) The influence of variety on human food selection. Ch. 6, pp. 101-122 in Psychobiology of Human Food Selection, ed L.M.Barker. Westport, Connecticut: AVI Publishing Company.


Rolls,E.T. and Rolls,B.J. (1982) Brain mechanisms involved in feeding. Ch. 3, pp. 33-62 in Psychobiology of Human Food Selection, ed L.M.Barker. Westport, Connecticut: AVI Publishing Company.


Rolls,E.T. (1982) Feeding and reward. Pp. 323-337 in The Neural Basis of Feeding and Reward, eds. B.G.Hoebel and D.Novin. Brunswick, Maine: Haer Institute for Electrophysiological Research.


Rolls,B.J., Rowe,E.A. and Rolls,E.T. (1982) How flavour and appearance affect human feeding. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 41: 109-117.


Rolls,B.J., Rowe,E.A. and Rolls,E.T. (1982) How sensory properties of foods affect human feeding behavior. Physiology and Behavior, 29: 409-417.


Wood,R.J., Rolls,E.T. and Rolls,B.J. (1982) Physiological mechanisms for thirst in the nonhuman primate. American Journal of Physiology, 242: R423-R428.


Rolls,E.T. (1982) Neuronal mechanisms underlying the formation and disconnection of associations between visual stimuli and reinforcement in primates. Pp 363-373 in Conditioning: Representation of Involved Neural Functions, ed C.D.Woody. New York: Plenum.


Rolls,E.T. (1981) Responses of amygdaloid neurons in the primate. Pp. 383-393 in The Amygdaloid Complex, ed. Y.Ben-Ari. Amsterdam: Elsevier.


Gibbs,J., Maddison,S.P. and Rolls,E.T. (1981) Satiety role of the small intestine examined in sham-feeding rhesus monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 95: 1003-1015.


Phillips,A.G., Mora,F., and Rolls,E.T. (1981) Intra-cerebral self-administration of amphetamine by rhesus monkeys. Neuroscience Letters 24: 81-86.


Rolls,E.T., Thorpe,S.J., Perrett,D.I., Maddison,S., Caan,W., Wilson,F. and Ryan,S. (1981) Neuronal responses in the striatum of the behaving monkey: implications for understanding striatal function and dysfunction. Pp. 205-209 in Advances in Physiological Sciences, Vol 2 Regulatory Functions of the CNS, eds J.Szentagothai, J.Hamori and M.Palkovits. Oxford: Pergamon Press.


Rolls,E.T., Caan,A.W., Perrett,D.I., Ryan,S., Thorpe,S.J. and Wilson,F.A.W. (1981) Neuronal processing related to sensory inputs, intermediate learning processes, and the initiation of motor responses. Pp. 233-237 in Advances in Physiological Sciences, Vol 17 Brain and Behaviour, eds G.Adam, I.Meszaros and E.I.Banyai. Oxford: Pergamon Press.


Rolls,B.J., Rolls,E.T., Rowe,E.A. and Sweeney,K. (1981) Sensory specific satiety in man. Physiology and Behavior 27: 137-142.


Rolls,B.J. and Rolls,E.T. (1981) The control of drinking. British Medical Bulletin 37: 127-130.


Rolls,E.T. (1981) Central nervous mechanisms related to feeding and appetite. British Medical Bulletin 37: 131-134.


Rolls,E.T. (1981) Processing beyond the inferior temporal visual cortex related to feeding, learning, and striatal function. Ch. 16, pp. 241-269 in Brain Mechanisms of Sensation, eds Y.Katsuki, R.Norgren and M.Sato. New York: Wiley.


Rolls,B.J., Rowe,E.A., Rolls,E.T., Kingston,B., Megson,A. and Gunary,R. (1981) Variety in a meal enhances food intake in man. Physiology and Behavior 26: 215-221.


Wood,R.J., Maddison,S., Rolls,E.T., Rolls,B.J. and Gibbs,J. (1980) Drinking in rhesus monkeys: roles of pre-systemic and systemic factors in control of drinking. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 94: 1135-1148.


Rolls,E.T., Perrett,D.I. and Thorpe,S.J. (1980) The influence of motivation on the responses of neurons in the posterior parietal association cortex. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3: 514-515.


Rolls,B.J., Wood,R.J., Rolls,E.T., Lind,H., Lind,R. and Ledingham,J. (1980) Thirst following water deprivation in humans. American Journal of Physiology 239: R476-R482.


Rolls,B.J., Wood,R.J. and Rolls,E.T. (1980) Thirst: the initiation, maintenance, and termination of drinking. Progress in Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology 9: 263-321.


Mora,F., Avrith,D.B. and Rolls,E.T. (1980) An electrophysiological and behavioural study of self-stimulation in the orbitofrontal cortex of the rhesus monkey. Brain Research Bulletin 5: 111-115. 


Rolls,E.T. (1980) Activity of hypothalamic and related neurons in the alert animal. Pp 439-466 in Handbook of the Hypothalamus Vol 3A, eds P.J.Morgane and J.Panksepp. New York: Dekker.


Rolls,E.T., Burton,M.J. and Mora,F. (1980) Neurophysiological analysis of brain-stimulation reward in the monkey. Brain Research 194: 339-357.


Rolls,B.J., Rolls,E.T. and Rowe,E.A. (1980) Sensory specific satiety and its influences on feeding. Appetite 1: 85-86.


Rolls,B.J., Rolls,E.T. and Rowe,E.A. (1980) Sensory specific satiety and appetite. International Journal of Obesity 3: 397-398.


Rolls,B.J., Rowe,E.A. and Rolls,E.T. (1980) Appetite and obesity: influence of sensory stimuli and external cues. Pp 11-20 in Nutrition and Lifestyles, ed M.R.Turner. London: Applied Science Publishers.


Maddison,S., Wood,R.J., Rolls,E.T., Rolls,B.J. and Gibbs,J. (1980) Drinking in the rhesus monkey: peripheral factors. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 94: 365-374.


Gibbs,J., Fauser,D.J., Rowe,E.A., Rolls,B.J., Rolls,E.T. and Maddison,S.P. (1979) Bombesin suppresses feeding in rats. Nature 282: 208-210.


Mora,F., Avrith,D.B., Phillips,A,G. and Rolls,E.T. (1979) Effects of satiety on self-stimulation of the orbitofrontal cortex in the monkey. Neuroscience Letters 13: 141-145.


Rolls,E.T., Perrett,D., Thorpe,S.J., Puerto,A., Roper-Hall,A. and Maddison,S. (1979) Responses of neurons in area 7 of the parietal cortex to objects of different significance. Brain Research 169: 194-198.


Rolls,E.T., Thorpe,S.J., Maddison,S., Roper-Hall,A., Puerto,A. and Perrett,D. (1979) Activity of neurones in the neostriatum and related structures in the alert animal. Pp 163-182 in The Neostriatum, eds I.Divac and R.G.E.Oberg. Pergamon Press:Oxford.


Rolls,E.T. (1979) Effects of electrical stimulation of the brain on behaviour. Psychology Surveys 2: 151-169. London: George Allen and Unwin.


Sanghera,M.K., Rolls,E.T. and Roper-Hall,A. (1979) Visual responses of neurons in the dorsolateral amygdala of the alert monkey. Experimental Neurology 63: 610-626.


Rolls,E.T., Sanghera,M.K. and Roper-Hall,A. (1979) The latency of activation of neurons in the lateral hypothalamus and substantia innominata during feeding in the monkey. Brain Research 164: 121-135.


Phillips,A.G., Mora,F. and Rolls,E.T. (1979) Intracranial self-stimulation in the orbitofrontal cortex and caudate nucleus of the alert monkey: effects of apomorphine, pimozide and spiroperidol. Psychopharmacology 62: 79-82.


Rolls, E.T. (1978) Neurophysiology of feeding. Trends in Neurosciences 1: 1-3.


Rolls, E.T. and Rolls, B.J. (1977) Activity of neurones in sensory, hypothalamic and motor areas during feeding in the monkey.  Pp 525-549 in: Food Intake and Chemical Senses. Eds. Y. Katsuki, M. Sato, S. Takagi and Y. Oomura.  Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.


Rolls, E.T. and Mogenson, G.J. (1977) Brain self-stimulation behavior. Ch.8, pp 212-236 in: The Neurobiology of Motivation, G.J. Mogenson (Ed.).  Erlbaum: Hillsdale, N.J.


Rolls, E.T., Judge, S.J. and Sanghera, M. (1977) Activity of neurones in the inferotemporal cortex of the alert monkeyBrain Research 130: 229-238.


Mora, F., Mogenson, G.J. and Rolls, E.T. (1977)  Activity of neurones in the region of the substantia nigra during feeding.  Brain Research 133: 267-276.


Mora, F., Phillips, A.G., Koolhaas, J.M. and Rolls, E.T. (1976) Prefrontal cortex and Neostriatum.  Self-stimulation in the rat: Differential effects produced by apomorphine. Brain Research Bulletin 1: 421-424.


Mora, F., Sweeney, K.F., Rolls, E.T. and Sanguinetti, M. (1976) Spontaneous firing rate of neurones in the prefrontal cortex of the rat: evidence for a dopaminergic inhibition. Brain Research 116: 516-522.


Rolls, E.T. (1976) Neurophysiology of feeding. Life Sciences Research Report (Dahlem Konferenzen) 2: 21-42.


Mora, F., Rolls, E.T., and Burton, M.J. (1976) Modulation during learning of the responses of neurones in the lateral hypothalamus to the sight of food. Experimental Neurology 53: 508-519.


Burton, M.J., Rolls, E.T. and Mora, F. (1976) Effects of hunger on the responses of neurones in the lateral hypothalamus to the sight and taste of food. Experimental Neurology 51: 668-677.


Rolls, E.T., Burton, M.J. and Mora, F. (1976) Hypothalamic neuronal responses associated with the sight of foodBrain Research 111: 53-66.


Mora, F., Rolls, E.T., Burton, M.J. and Shaw, S.G. (1976) Effects of dopamine-receptor blockade on self-stimulation in the monkeyPharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 4: 211-216.


Shaw, S.G. and Rolls, E.T. (1976) Is the release of noradrenaline necessary for self-stimulation? Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 4: 375-379.


Wauquier, A. and Rolls, E.T. (Eds) (1976) Brain-stimulation Reward. Amsterdam: North Holland.


Burton, M.J., Mora, F. and Rolls, E.T. (1976) Neurophysiological convergence of natural and brain-stimulation reward on visual units in the lateral hypothalamus of squirrel and rhesus monkeys.  Pp 101-104 in Brain-stimulation Reward. Eds. A. Wauquier and E.T. Rolls.  Amsterdam: North Holland.


Rolls, E.T. (1976) The neurophysiological basis of brain-stimulation reward. Pp 65-87 in: Brain-Stimulation Reward. Eds. A. Wauquier and E.T. Rolls. Amsterdam: North Holland.


Mora, F., Sanguinetti, A.M., Rolls, E.T. and Shaw, S.G. (1975) Differential effects on self-stimulation and motor behaviour produced by microintracranial injections of a dopamine-receptor blocking agent.  Neuroscience Letters 1: 179-184.


Rolls, E.T., Rolls, B.J., Kelly, P.H., Shaw, S.G., and Dale, R. (1974) The relative attenuation of self-stimulation, eating and drinking produced by dopamine-receptor blockade.  Psychopharmacologia (Berlin) 38: 219-310.


Rolls, E.T., Kelly, P.H. and Shaw, S.G. (1974) Noradrenaline, dopamine and brain-stimulation reward.  Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 2: 735-740.


Cooper, S.J. and Rolls, E.T. (1974) Relation of activation of neurones in the pons and medulla to brain-stimulation reward.  Experimental Brain Research 20: 207-222.


Rolls, E.T. and Cooper, S.J. (1974) Anesthetization and stimulation of the sulcal prefrontal cortex and brain-stimulation reward.  Physiology and Behavior 12: 563-571.


Rolls, E.T. and Cooper S.J. (1974) Connection between the prefrontal cortex and pontine brain-stimulation reward sites in the rat. Experimental Neurology 42: 687-699.


Rolls, E.T. (1974)  The neural basis of brain-stimulation rewardProgress in Neurobiology 3: 71-160.


Rolls, E.T. and Cooper, S.J. (1973)  Activation of neurones in the prefrontal cortex by brain-stimulation reward in the rat.  Brain Research 60: 351-368.


Rolls, B.J. and Rolls, E.T. (1973)  Effects of lesions in the basolateral amygdala on fluid intake in the ratJournal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 83: 240-247.


Rolls, E.T. and Rolls, B.J. (1973)  Altered food preferences after lesions in the basolateral region of the amygdala in the ratJournal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 83: 248-259


Rolls, E.T. (1973)  Refractory periods of neurons involved in stimulus-bound eating and drinking in the rat.  Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 82: 15-22.


Rolls, E.T. and Kelly, P.H. (1972) Neural basis of stimulus-bound locomotor activity in the rat.  Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 81: 173-182.


Rolls, E.T. (1972)  Activation of amygdaloid neurones in reward, eating and drinking elicited by electrical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus.  Journal of Physiology 45: 365-381.


Rolls, E.T. (1971) Contrasting effects of hypothalamic and nucleus accumbens septi self-stimulation on brain stem single unit activity and cortical arousal. Brain Research 31: 275-285.


Rolls, E.T. (1971)  Absolute refractory period of neurons involved in MFB self-stimulation.  Physiology & Behavior 7: 311-315.


Rolls, E.T. (1971)  Involvement of brainstem units in medial forebrain bundle self-stimulation. Physiology & Behavior 7: 297-310.


Gallistel, C.R., Rolls, E. and Greene, D. (1969) Neuron function inferred from behavioral and electrophysiological estimates of refractory period.  Science 166: 1028-1030.