Professor Edmund T. Rolls' Publication List by Subject
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Brain Mechanisms for Visual Face and Object Recognition,
Attention, and Neuronal Encoding


Rolls, E.T., Zhang,R., Deco,G., Vatansever,D., Feng,J. (2024) Selective brain activations and connectivities related to the storage and recall of human object-location, reward-location, and word-pair episodic memories. Human Brain Mapping 45: e70056. doi: 10.1002/HBM.70056. Supplementary Material   Graphical Abstract


Rolls, E. T., Yan,X., Deco,G., Zhang,Y., Jousmaki,V., Feng,J. (2024) A ventromedial visual cortical 'Where' stream to the human hippocampus for spatial scenes revealed with magnetoencephalography. Communications Biology 7: 1047.  doi: 10.1038/s42003-024-06719-z. Supplementary Material


Rolls, E. T., Feng,J. and Zhang,R. (2024) Selective activations and functional connectivities to the sight of faces, scenes, body parts and tools in visual and non-visual cortical regions leading to the human hippocampus. Brain Structure and Function 229: 1471-1493. Supplementary Material


Rolls, E. T. (2024) Two What, Two Where, Visual Cortical Streams in Humans. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 160: 105650. doi: Graphical Abstract Supplementary Material


Rolls, E. T., Deco,G., Zhang,Y. and Feng,J. (2023) Hierarchical organisation of the human ventral visual streams revealed with magnetoencephalography. Cerebral Cortex 33: 10686-10701. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhad318. Supplementary Material


Rolls, E. T., Deco, G., Huang, C-C. and Feng, J. (2023) Multiple cortical visual streams in humans. Cerebral Cortex 33: 3319-3349. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhac276. Supplementary Material


Rolls, E. T., Deco,G., Huang,C-C. and Feng,J. (2023) The human posterior parietal cortex: effective connectome, and its relation to function. Cerebral Cortex 33: 3142-3170. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhac266. Supplementary Material


Rolls, E. T. (2021)  Learning invariant object and spatial view representations in the brain using slow unsupervised learning. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 15: 686239. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2021.686239


Rolls, E. T. (2020) Spatial coordinate transforms linking the allocentric hippocampal and egocentric parietal primate brain systems for memory, action in space, and navigation. Hippocampus 30: 332-353.


Turova, T. and Rolls, E. T. (2019) Analysis of biased competition and cooperation for attention in the cerebral cortex. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 13: 51. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2019.00051


Rolls, E. T. and Mills, W.P.C. (2018) Non-accidental properties, metric invariance, and encoding by neurons in a model of ventral stream visual object recognition, VisNet. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 152: 20-31.


Rolls, E. T. (2017) Face processing in different brain areas and face recognition. In Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition, pp 1-11, Eds J.Vonk and T.K.Shackelford. Springer International Publishing AG. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-47829-6_1566-1.


Robinson, L. and Rolls, E.T. (2015) Invariant visual object recognition: biologically plausible approaches. Biological Cybernetics 109: 505-535.


Rolls, E. T. (2015) The neuronal representation of information in the human brain. Brain 138: 3459-3462.


Rolls, E. T. and Webb, T. J. (2014) Finding and recognising objects in natural scenes: complementary computations in the dorsal and ventral visual systems. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 8: 85.


Webb,T.J. and Rolls,E.T. (2014) Deformation-specific and deformation-invariant visual object recognition: pose vs identity recognition of people and deforming objects. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 8: 37. 


Rolls,E.T. (2012) Invariant visual object and face recognition: neural and computational bases, and a model, VisNet. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 6: (35) 1-70.


Rolls,E.T. and Treves.A. (2011) The neuronal encoding of information in the brain. Progress in Neurobiology 95: 448-490


Rolls,E.T. (2011) Face neurons. Ch 4 pp 51-75 in The Oxford Handbook of Face Perception. Eds. A.J.Calder, G.Rhodes, M.H.Johnson and J.V.Haxby. Oxford University Press: Oxford.


Grabenhorst,F. and Rolls,E .T. (2010) Attentional modulation of affective vs sensory processing: functional connectivity and a top-down biased activation theory of selective attention. Journal of Neurophysiology 104: 1649-1660.


Rolls, E. T. (2009).  The neurophysiology and computational mechanisms of object representation. Ch 14 pp. 257-287 in Object Categorization: Computer and Human Vision Perspectives. Eds. S.Dickinson, M.Tarr, A.Leonardis and B.Schiele. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.


Deco, G. and Rolls,E.T. (2009) Vision - computational approaches. Pp. 4291-4295 in  Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Eds. U.Windhorst, M.D.Binder and N.Hirokawa. Springer-Verlag: Berlin.


Rolls,E.T., Tromans, J. and Stringer,S.M. (2008). Spatial scene representations formed by self-organizing learning in a hippocampal extension of the ventral visual systemEuropean Journal of Neuroscience 28: 2116-2127.


Rolls, E.T. (2008) Face processing in different brain areas, and critical band masking. Journal of Neuropsychology 2, 325-360.


Deco,G. and Rolls, E.T. (2008) Neural mechanisms of visual memory: a neurocomputational perspective. Chapter 8 pp 247-289 in S. J. Luck and A. Hollingworth (eds.) Visual Memory.  Oxford University Press: Oxford.


Stringer,S.M., and Rolls,E.T.  (2008) Learning transform invariant object recognition in the visual system with multiple stimuli present during training. Neural Networks 21: 888-903..


Rolls, E. T. (2008). Top-down control of visual perception: attention in natural vision. Perception 37: 333-354.


Rolls,E.T. (2009) Face processing in different brain areas. Pp. 1549-1555 in Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Eds. U.Windhorst, M.D.Binder and N.Hirokawa. Springer-Verlag: Berlin.


Stringer,S.M., Rolls,E.T.  and Tromans, J. (2007) Invariant object recognition with trace learning and multiple stimuli present during training. Network: Computation in Neural Systems 18: 161-187.


Rolls, E. T. (2007).  Invariant representations of objects in natural scenes in the temporal cortex visual areas.  Chapter 3, pp. 47-102 in S. Funahashi (Ed.), Representation and Brain.  Springer: Tokyo.


Franco,L., Rolls,E.T., Aggelopoulos,N.C. and Jerez,J.M. (2007) Neuronal selectivity, population sparseness, and ergodicity in the inferior temporal visual cortex. Biological Cybernetics 96: 547-560.


Rolls,E.T. and Stringer,S.M. (2007) Invariant visual object recognition: a model, with lighting invariance. Journal of Physiology - Paris 100: 43-62.


Rolls,E.T. and Stringer,S.M. (2007) Invariant global motion recognition in the dorsal visual system: a unifying theory. Neural Computation 19: 139-169.


Rolls, E. T. (2007) The representation of information about faces in the temporal and frontal lobesNeuropsychologia 45 124-143.


Rolls,E.T. and Deco,G. (2006) Attention in natural scenes: neurophysiological and computational bases. Neural Networks 19: 1383-1394.


Rolls,E.T., Franco,L., Aggelopoulos,N.C. and Perez,J.M. (2006) Information in the first spike, the order of spikes, and the number of spikes provided by neurons in the inferior temporal visual cortex. Vision Research 46: 4193-4205.


Perry, G., Rolls, E. T. and Stringer, S. M. (2006) Spatial vs temporal continuity in view invariant visual object recognition learning. Vision Research 46: 3994-4006.


Rolls,E.T.Critchley,H.D., Browning,A.S. and Inoue,K. (2006) Face-selective and auditory neurons in the primate orbitofrontal cortex. Experimental Brain Research 170: 74-87.


Stringer,S.M., Perry, G., Rolls,E.T. and Proske,H. (2006) Learning invariant object recognition in the visual system with continuous transformations. Biological Cybernetics: 94: 128-142.


Aggelopoulos,N.C. and Rolls,E.T. (2005) Natural scene perception: inferior temporal cortex neurons encode the positions of different objects in the scene. European Journal of Neuroscience 22: 2903-2916.


Deco,G. and Rolls,E.T. (2005) Attention, short term memory, and action selection: a unifying theory. Progress in Neurobiology 76: 236-256.


Rolls,E.T.Browning,A.S., Inoue,K. and Hernadi,S. (2005) Novel visual stimuli activate a population of neurons in the primate orbitofrontal cortex. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 84: 111-123.


Rolls,E.T., Franco, L. and Stringer S. M. (2005)  The perirhinal cortex and long-term familiarity memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 58B: 234–245.


Deco,G. and Rolls,E.T. (2005) Neurodynamics of biased competition and cooperation for attention: a model with spiking neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 94: 295-313.


Deco,G. and Rolls,E.T. (2005) The role of short term memory in visual attention. Ch 100 pp. 610-617 in The Neurobiology of Attention, Eds. L.Itti, G.Rees and J.K.Tsotsos. Elsevier Press: San Diego.


Deco,G., Rolls,E.T. and Zihl,J. (2005) A neurodynamical model of visual attention. Ch 97 pp. 593-599 in The Neurobiology of Attention, Eds. L.Itti, G.Rees and J.K.Tsotsos. Elsevier Press: San Diego.


Aggelopoulos,N.C., Franco,L. and Rolls,E.T. (2005) Object perception in natural scenes: encoding by inferior temporal cortex simultaneously recorded neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 93: 1342-1357.


Deco,G., Rolls,E.T., and Horwitz,B.(2004) “What” and “where” in visual working memory: a computational neurodynamical perspective for integrating fMRI and single-neuron data. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 16: 683-701.


Franco,L., Rolls,E.T., Aggelopoulos,N.C. and Treves,A. (2004) The use of decoding to analyze the contribution to the information of the correlations between the firing of simultaneously recorded neurons. Experimental Brain Research 155: 370-384.


Rolls, E.T. (2003). Vision, emotion and memory: from neurophysiology to computation. Pp. 547-573 in Cognition and Emotion in the Brain.  (Eds. T. Ono, G. Matsumoto, R. R. Llinas, A. Berthoz, R. Norgren, H. Nishijo, and R. Tamura).  Elsevier Science: Amsterdam.


Rolls,E.T., Aggelopoulos,N.C., Franco,L., and Treves,A. (2004) Information encoding in the inferior temporal cortex: contributions of the firing rates and correlations between the firing of neurons. Biological Cybernetics 90: 19-32.


Deco,G. and Rolls,E.T. (2004) A neurodynamical cortical model of visual attention and invariant object recognition. Vision Research 44: 621-644.


Rolls,E.T. (2004) Invariant object and face recognition. In The Visual Neurosciences. Pages 1165-1178 in Volume 2. Eds. L.M.Chalupa and J.S.Werner. MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass.


Hölscher,C., Rolls,E.T. and Xiang,J.-Z. (2003) Perirhinal cortex neuronal activity related to long-term familiarity memory in the macaque. European Journal of Neuroscience 18: 2037-2046.


Rolls, E.T. (2003) Consciousness absent and present: a neurophysiological exploration. Progress in Brain Research 144: 95-106.


Deco,G. and Rolls,E.T. (2003) Attention and working memory: a dynamical model of neuronal activity in the prefrontal cortexEuropean Journal of Neuroscience 18: 2374-2390.


Rolls,E.T., Franco,L., Aggelopoulos,N.C., and Reece,S. (2003) An information theoretic approach to the contributions of the firing rates and the correlations between the firing of neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 89: 2810-2822.


Deco,G. and Rolls,E.T. (2003) Object-based visual neglect: a computational hypothesis. European Journal of Neuroscience 16:1994-2000.


Rolls,E.T., Aggelopoulos,N.C., and Zheng,F. (2003) The receptive fields of inferior temporal cortex neurons in natural scenes. Journal of Neuroscience 23: 339-348.


Rolls,E.T. and Arbib,M. (2003) Visual scene perception. Pp 1210-1215 In Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks: The Second Edition, Ed. M.Arbib. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.


Trappenberg,T.P., Rolls, E.T. and Stringer,S.M. (2002) Effective size of receptive fields of inferior temporal cortex neurons in natural scenes. Pp. 293-300 in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14, Volume 1, Eds. T.G. Dietterich, S. Becker, Z. Ghahramani. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.


Hölscher,C. and Rolls,E.T. (2002) Perirhinal cortex neuronal activity is actively related to working memory in the macaque. Neural Plasticity 9: 41-51.


Stringer,S.M. and Rolls,E.T. (2002) Invariant object recognition in the visual system with novel views of 3D objects. Neural Computation 14: 2585-2596.


Deco, G. and Rolls, E.T. (2002) A neurodynamical theory of visual attention: comparisons with fMRI- and single-neuron data. Pp. 3-8 in Proceedings of the Artificial Neural Networks Conference - ICANN 2002 LNCS 2415, ed. J.R. Dorronsoro. Springer Verlag: Berlin.


Elliffe,M.C.M., Rolls,E.T. and Stringer,S.M. (2002) Invariant recognition of feature combinations in the visual system. Biological Cybernetics 86:59-71.


Buckley,M.J., Booth,M.C.A., Rolls,E.T. and Gaffan,D. (2001) Selective perceptual impairments following perirhinal cortex ablation. Journal of Neuroscience 21: 9824-9836.


Rolls,E.T. (2001) Functions of the primate temporal lobe cortical visual areas in invariant visual object and face recognition: computational mechanisms. Pp. 396-408 in Vision: The Approach of Biophysics and Neurosciences, Ed. C.Musio. World Scientific: London.


Rolls,E.T. (2001) Functions of the primate temporal lobe cortical visual areas in invariant visual object and face recognition. Pp. 366-395 in Vision: The Approach of Biophysics and Neurosciences, Ed. C.Musio. World Scientific: London.


Rolls,E.T. (2000) Representations in the brain. Synthèse: 129: 153-171 (Special issue, Eds. G.Vacariu, M.Vacariu and E.T.Rolls. Kluwer: Dordrecht).


Panzeri,S., Rolls,E.T., Battaglia,F.P. and Lavis,R. (2001) Simulation studies of the speed of recurrent processing. In Emergent Neural Computational Architectures based on Neuroscience, Eds. S.Wermter, J.Austin and D.J.Willshaw. Springer: Heidelberg.


Renart,A., Moreno,R., de la Rocha, J., Parga,N. and Rolls,E.T. (2001) A model of the IT-PF network in object working memory which includes balanced persistent activity and tuned inhibition. Neurocomputing 38-40: 1525-1531.


Panzeri,S., Rolls,E.T., Battaglia,F. and Lavis,R. (2001) Speed of feedforward and recurrent processing in multilayer networks of integrate-and-fire neurons. Network: Computation in Neural Systems 12: 423-440.


Rolls,E.T. and Stringer,S.M. (2001) Invariant object recognition in the visual system with error correction and temporal difference learning. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 12:111-129.


Stringer,S.M. and Rolls,E.T. (2000) Position invariant recognition in the visual system with cluttered environments. Neural Networks 13: 305-315.


Rolls,E.T. (2000)  Functions of the primate temporal lobe cortical visual areas in invariant visual object and face recognition. Neuron 27: 1-20.


Elliffe,M.C.M., Rolls,E.T., Parga,N. and Renart,A. (2000) A recurrent model of transformation invariance by association. Neural Networks 13: 225-237.


Rolls,E.T. and Milward,T. (2000) A model of invariant object recognition in the visual system: learning rules, activation functions, lateral inhibition, and information-based performance measures. Neural Computation 12 (11): 2547-2572


Panzeri,S., Schultz,S.R., Treves,A. and Rolls,E.T. (1999) Correlations and the encoding of information in the nervous system. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 266: 1001-1012. Appendix


Renart,A., Parga,N. and Rolls,E.T. (2000) A recurrent model of the interaction between the prefrontal cortex and inferior temporal cortex in delay memory tasks. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12, 171-177, Eds. S.A.Solla, T.K.Leen and K.-R.Mueller, MIT Press: Cambridge Mass.


Panzeri,S., Treves,A., Schultz,S. and Rolls,E.T. (1999) On decoding the responses of a population of neurons from short time windows. Neural Computation 11: 1553-1577.


Rolls,E.T. (1999) Object recognition, animal studies. Pp. 613-615 in The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences, Eds. R.A.Wilson and F.C.Keil. MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass.


Rolls,E.T., Tovee,M.J. and Panzeri,S. (1999) The neurophysiology of backward visual masking: information analysis. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 11: 300-311.


Treves,A., Panzeri,S., Rolls,E.T., Booth,M., and Wakeman,E.A. (1999) Firing rate distributions and efficiency of information transmission of inferior temporal cortex neurons to natural visual stimuli. Neural Computation 11: 611-641.


Schultz,S., Panzeri,S., Treves,A. and Rolls,E.T. (1998) Correlated firing and the information represented by neurons in short epochs. Computational Neuroscience: Trends in Research, Ed. J.Bower.


Panzeri,S., Treves,A., Schultz,S. and Rolls,E.T. (1998) Decoding population responses in short time epochs. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks: 965-972 (L. Niklasson, M. Boden and T. Ziemke, Eds). Springer-Verlag, London.


Booth,M.C.A. and Rolls,E.T. (1998) View-invariant representations of familiar objects by neurons in the inferior temporal visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex 8: 510-523.


Rolls,E.T. (1999) Memory mechanisms in the inferior temporal cortex and hippocampus. In The Brain of Homo Sapiens, Vol 3, pp. 109-125, eds. E.Bizzi, P.Calissano and V.Volterra. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani: Rome.


Parga,N. and Rolls,E.T. (1998) Transform invariant recognition by association in a recurrent network. Neural Computation 10: 1507-1525.


Dolan,R.J., Fink,G.R., Rolls,E.T., Booth,M., Holmes,A., Frackowiak,R.S.J. and Friston,K.J. (1997) How the brain learns to see objects and faces in an impoverished context. Nature 389: 596-599.


Rolls,E.T. (1997) A neurophysiological and computational approach to the functions of the temporal lobe cortical visual areas in invariant object recognition. Chapter 9, pp. 184-220 in Computational and Psychophysical Mechanisms of Visual Coding, eds. M.Jenkin and L.Harris. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.


Treves,A., Rolls,E.T. and Simmen,M. (1997) Time for retrieval in recurrent associative memories. Physica D 107: 392-400.


Rolls,E.T. (1997) Functions of the inferior temporal cortex and hippocampus in memory. Pp. 223-251 in: Integrative and Molecular Approach to Brain Function, eds. M.Ito and Y.Miyashita. Elsevier: Amsterdam.


Rolls,E.T., Treves,A., Tovee,M. and Panzeri,S. (1997) Information in the neuronal representation of individual stimuli in the primate temporal visual cortex. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 4: 309-333.


Rolls,E.T. (1997) Brain mechanisms of vision, memory, and consciousness. Ch. 6, pp. 81-120 in: Cognition, Computation, and Consciousness, ed. M.Ito, Y.Miyashita and E.T.Rolls. Oxford University Press: Oxford.


Baddeley,R.J., Abbott,L.F., Booth,M.J.A., Sengpiel,F., Freeman,T., Wakeman,E.A., and Rolls,E.T. (1997) Responses of neurons in primary and inferior temporal visual cortices to natural scenes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 264: 1775-1783.


Wallis,G. and Rolls,E.T. (1997) Invariant face and object recognition in the visual system. Progress in Neurobiology 51: 167-194.


Rolls,E.T., Treves,A. and Tovee,M.J. (1997) The representational capacity of the distributed encoding of information provided by populations of neurons in the primate temporal visual cortex. Experimental Brain Research 114: 149-162.


Rolls,E.T. (1996) Visual processing in the temporal lobe for invariant object recognition. Pp. 325-353 in Neurobiology: Ionic Channels, Neurons and the Brain  eds. V.Torre and F.Conti. Plenum: New York.


Tovee,M.J., Rolls,E.T. and Ramachandran,V.S. (1996) Rapid visual learning in neurones of the primate temporal visual cortex. Neuroreport 7: 2757-2760.


Panzeri,S., Biella,G., Rolls,E.T., Skaggs,W.E. and Treves,A. (1996) Speed, noise, information and the graded nature of neuronal responses. Network 7: 365-370.


Abbott,L.F., Rolls,E.T. and Tovee,M.J. (1996) Representational capacity of face coding in monkeys. Cerebral Cortex 6: 498-505.


Rolls,E.T. (1995) Learning mechanisms in the temporal lobe visual cortex. Behavioural Brain Research 66: 177-185.


Rolls,E.T. and Tovee,M.J. (1995) The responses of single neurons in the temporal visual cortical areas of the macaque when more than one stimulus is present in the visual field. Experimental Brain Research 103: 409-420.


Tovee,M.J. and Rolls,E.T. (1995) Information encoding in short firing rate epochs by single neurons in the primate temporal visual cortex. Visual Cognition 2: 35-58.


Rolls,E.T. and Tovee,M.J. (1995) Sparseness of the neuronal representation of stimuli in the primate temporal visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology 73: 713-726.


Rolls,E.T. and Tovee,M.J. (1994) Processing speed in the cerebral cortex and the neurophysiology of visual masking. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B, 257: 9-15.


Rolls,E.T. (1994) Brain mechanisms for invariant visual recognition and learning. Behavioural Processes 33: 113-138.


Tovee,M.J., Rolls,E.T. and Azzopardi,P. (1994) Translation invariance and the responses of neurons in the temporal visual cortical areas of primates. Journal of Neurophysiology 72: 1049-1060.


Rolls,E.T., Tovee,M.J., Purcell,D.G., Stewart,A.L. and Azzopardi,P. (1994) The responses of neurons in the temporal cortex of primates, and face identification and detection. Experimental Brain Research 101: 473-484.


Wallis,G., Rolls,E.T. and Foldiak,P. (1993) Learning invariant responses to the natural transformations of objects. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2: 1087-1090.


Tovee,M.J., Rolls,E.T., Treves,A. and Bellis,R.P. (1993) Information encoding and the responses of single neurons in the primate temporal visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology 70: 640-654.


Tovee,M.J. and Rolls,E.T. (1992) The functional nature of neuronal oscillations. Trends in Neurosciences 15: 387.


Tovee,M.J. and Rolls,E.T. (1992) Oscillatory activity is not evident in the primate temporal visual cortex with static stimuli. Neuroreport 3: 369-372.


Rolls,E.T. (1992) The processing of face information in the primate temporal lobe. Ch. 3, pp. 41-68 in Processing Images of Faces, eds. V.Bruce and M.Burton. Ablex: Norwood, New Jersey.


Rolls,E.T. (1992) Neurophysiological mechanisms underlying face processing within and beyond the temporal cortical visual areas. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 335: 11-21.


Rolls,E.T. (1991) Neural organisation of higher visual functions. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 1: 274-278.


Rolls,E.T. (1991) Information processing in the temporal lobe visual cortical areas of macaques. Pp. 339-352 in Visual Structures and Integrated Functions, eds. M.A.Arbib and J.-P.Ewert. Springer: New York.


Rolls,E.T. (1990) The representation of information in the temporal lobe visual cortical areas of macaques. Pp. 69-78 in Advanced Neural Computers, ed. R.Eckmiller. North-Holland: Amsterdam.


Rolls,E.T., Baylis,G.C., Hasselmo,M.E. and Nalwa,V. (1989) The effect of learning on the face-selective responses of neurons in the cortex in the superior temporal sulcus of the monkey. Experimental Brain Research 76: 153-164.


Hasselmo,M.E., Rolls,E.T., Baylis,G.C. and Nalwa,V. (1989) Object-centered encoding by face-selective neurons in the cortex in the superior temporal sulcus of the monkey. Experimental Brain Research 75: 417-429.


Hasselmo,M.E., Rolls,E.T. and Baylis,G.C. (1989) The role of expression and identity in the face-selective responses of neurons in the temporal visual cortex of the monkey. Behavioural Brain Research 32: 203-218.


Rolls,E.T., Baylis,G.C., Hasselmo,M. and Nalwa,V. (1989) The representation of information in the temporal lobe visual cortical areas of macaque monkeys. In Seeing Contour and Colour, eds. J.J.Kulikowski, C.M.Dickinson and I.J.Murray. Pergamon: Oxford.


Baylis,G.C. and Rolls,E.T. (1987) Responses of neurons in the inferior temporal cortex in short term and serial recognition memory tasks. Experimental Brain Research 65: 614-622.


Rolls,E.T., Baylis,G.C. and Hasselmo,M.E. (1987) The responses of neurons in the cortex in the superior temporal sulcus of the monkey to band-pass spatial frequency filtered faces. Vision Research 27: 311-326.


Baylis,G.C., Rolls,E.T. and Leonard,C.M. (1987) Functional subdivisions of temporal lobe neocortex. Journal of Neuroscience 7: 330-342.


Rolls,E.T. (1987) Information representation, processing and storage in the brain: analysis at the single neuron level. Pp. 503-540 in The Neural and Molecular Bases of Learning, eds. J.-P. Changeux and M.Konishi. Wiley: Chichester.


Rolls,E.T. (1987) Neuronal encoding of information in sensory systems. Science et Vie 158: 18-22.


Rolls,E.T. and Baylis,G.C. (1986) Size and contrast have only small effects on the responses to faces of neurons in the cortex of the superior temporal sulcus of the monkey. Experimental Brain Research 65: 38-48.


Rolls,E.T., Baylis,G.C., and Leonard,C.M. (1985) Role of low and high spatial frequencies in the face-selective responses of neurons in the cortex in the superior temporal sulcus. Vision Research 25: 1021-1035.


Leonard,C.M., Rolls,E.T., Wilson,F.A.W. and Baylis,G.C. (1985) Neurons in the amygdala of the monkey with responses selective for faces. Behavioural Brain Research 15: 159-176.


Baylis,G.C., Rolls,E.T. and Leonard,C.M. (1985) Selectivity between faces in the responses of a population of neurons in the cortex in the superior temporal sulcus of the monkey. Brain Research 342: 91-102.


Rolls,E.T. (1984) Neurons in the cortex of the temporal lobe and in the amygdala of the monkey with responses selective for faces. Human Neurobiology 3: 209-222.


Caan,W., Perrett,D.I. and Rolls,E.T. (1984) Responses of striatal neurons in the behaving monkey. 2. Visual processing in the caudal neostriatum. Brain Research 290: 53-65.


Perrett,D.I. and Rolls,E.T. (1983) Neural mechanisms underlying the visual analysis of faces. Pp. 543-566 in Advances in Vertebrate Neuroethology, eds. J.-P. Ewert, R.R.Capranica and D.J.Ingle. New York: Plenum Press.


Rolls,E.T., Perrett,D.I., Caan,A.W. and Wilson,F.A.W. (1982) Neuronal responses related to visual recognition. Brain 105: 611-646.


Perrett,D.I., Rolls,E.T. and Caan,W. (1982) Visual neurons responsive to faces in the monkey temporal cortex. Experimental Brain Research, 47: 329-342.


Rolls,E.T., Caan,A.W., Perrett,D.I. and Wilson,F.A.W. (1981) Neuronal activity related to long-term memory. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 64, Supplementum 89: 121-127.


Rolls,E.T. (1981) Responses of amygdaloid neurons in the primate. Pp. 383-393 in The Amygdaloid Complex, ed. Y.Ben-Ari. Amsterdam: Elsevier.


Rolls,E.T., Perrett,D., Thorpe,S.J., Puerto,A., Roper-Hall,A. and Maddison,S. (1979) Responses of neurons in area 7 of the parietal cortex to objects of different significance. Brain Research 169: 194-198.


Perrett,D.I., Rolls,E.T. and Caan,W. (1979) Temporal lobe cells of the monkey with visual responses selective for faces. Neuroscience Letters S3: S358.


Sanghera,M.K., Rolls,E.T. and Roper-Hall,A. (1979) Visual responses of neurons in the dorsolateral amygdala of the alert monkey. Experimental Neurology 63: 610-626.


Rolls, E.T., Judge, S.J. and Sanghera, M. (1977) Activity of neurones in the inferotemporal cortex of the alert monkeyBrain Research 130: 229-238.


Cowey, A. and Rolls, E.T. (1975) Human cortical magnification factor and its relation to visual acuityExperimental Brain Research 21: 447-454.


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